Upcoming maintenance (4 Viewers)

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ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 2Fort!
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Reactions: DynamicGlass
Deathrun is online, more will follow in 1 and a half hours due to me being in the driving school.
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Hightower 2 online
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Freak Fortress 2 online
Mann vs. Machine 2 online
2Fort online
Jailbreak online and Mario Kart :p

All servers are back online and should run better than before.
Major improvements should be in the loading times and also much higher I/O now.

main reason why i did the change was primary due to the webinterface we used since 2012 wasnt supported anymore tho we still could use it since i know the developer of it pretty well since years.
another point is that we're able now to push out tf2 updates much earlier as we could on the EU2 server without getting random lags due to overload of the daemon which handled all the requests. (normally took me 45-1H to update all servers on EU1 1-18)

so in short words:
  • higher I/O
  • better performance
  • better mechanism to handle crashed servers
  • quicker tf2 updates (installation/update process itself)
  • overall better handling and managing of the gameservers
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Reactions: Raion and Madact

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