Declined ukiyo's ban/guardban appeal. (4 Viewers)

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New Member
May 6, 2024


06/05/2024, 21:43

MFK in accordance with an LR.


General lack of knowledge about the rules led me to follow the LR without actual knowledge of it being illegal. I've been using this article as a source for rules since I only recently just joined Panda, without realising these rules were incorrect. I was unaware of LRs involving that kind of thing were illegal, and thought it was comedic to do it, without the knowledge of it not being allowed. Either way, given I was new and the person that initially typed out the LR never said anything about it being illegal, I feel like I was baited into doing it and have been punished unjustly due to the fact. I've been using the old article for rules ever since I started and was unaware of the new one that was made by Wolf.
ScootyMan was the one that gave the LR. They've been repetitively antagonising me during my venture as a new guard as well.
Hi, I did in fact guardban you. That source for rules is pretty outdated, this is the main rules which you should be reading. Not only is "MFK day" Invalid, but lrs don't carry over from map to map. I understand that you're new to this server but it should really be common sense that "MFK day" isn't a valid lr. I'd be fine with reducing this down to the punishment for an accidental MFK but I will leave it to my mentor @Cowboy to decide the fate of this appeal.
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Scootyman’s chatlogs doesn’t seem to be antagonizing at all towards you…
i have played on other days with scooty online. he's generally just been kinda weird towards me
i'm not all that bothered either way
has this been resolved?
  • Old
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nevermind, ban has expired, this thread is no longer relevant
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still guardbanned though, i don't know if that's appealable or not
Sorry, I'd like to make some amendments to this.

Scooty wasn't the one being consistently mean to me. I'll make a report of that person elsewhere.

Scooty WAS the one that gave the LR. Whether it was on purpose or not is beyond me.

I've read up and got the new rules bookmarked, so I know which ones to follow now.
Was thinking of maybe being lenient here and giving you a shortened timespan in which you would remain guardbanned but your chatlogs show a great deal of toxicity. You may appeal your teamban next month if your behavior improves and you show that you can follow the rules. Speaking of rules, make sure to view the official rules rather than a super old post that summarizes them.
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