Trade Server Suggestions (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2016
So I have been thinking about the trade server, how it runs and some cool idea's to add newer and fun features.

Firstly and probably the most petit thing in the world, but I would like to slightly change the teleport blocking rule. Currently, the rule only applies to buildings and not users purposefully blocking in a certain manner.

Due to the "fun" some users have in camping and containing a room such as the aether teleport room, often an engineer used to play a dispenser as per the rule states to prevent this, in the location opposing players would teleport to. This would inept any spies as they are unable to get past invisibly, and held players in a nice standstill position for the engineers to kill.

Now I propose that we remove the buildings clarification of "buildings" and just change it to no blocking purposefully, no obviously on a rare occasion people might coincidently get caught. But many have been using the loophole that does not explicitly say, people. Placing a dispenser on either side to constantly heal any player alternate to the engineer having an identical effect to placing just a building there. I have had many calls and issues regarding this and would instead of making a decision based on my own bias, see if the other admins agree and we can make an official update to the rules so I can refer to them if I decide to punish.

Secondly, I would like to suggest possibly adding the current b-hop deathrun plugin to the trade server. Now if you do not know what this is, in essence, it allows players who are able to time there jumps when landing to increase their speed of jumping dramatically, as shown here. I think this would be a really fun and interesting mod to add to an already goofy server. Many will argue that it will "intervene with try Harding" but it isn't simple to gain the speed and it will be fun to learn how to bhop and interesting to the current gameplay on trade.

Finally, make it a defined rule that random trading people and begging isn't allowed. I am a trader with some visible higher tier items am sick to death of people randomly trading me and going "please can I have some ref, or a hat" multiple times just hoping ill donate them something. Now I know I myself can punish people for begging under that rule, but asking a couple of my regulars have a similar problem. Can we make a written rule that this isn't allowed in any form or matter, and a clear screenshot showing someone random trading you on the server and begging will allow an admin to ban.

Anyway, thank you for reading this I appreciate all who give feedback

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@Da Random
Now I propose that we remove the buildings clarification of "buildings" and just change it to no blocking purposefully, no obviously on a rare occasion people might coincidently get caught. But many have been using the loophole that does not explicitly say, people. Placing a dispenser on either side to constantly heal any player alternate to the engineer having an identical effect to placing just a building there. I have had many calls and issues regarding this and would instead of making a decision based on my own bias, see if the other admins agree and we can make an official update to the rules so I can refer to them if I decide to punish.
I've already been enforcing the rule that way, I believe it was meant to be implemented like that in the first place but I might be mistaken.
I wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion.

Secondly, I would like to suggest possibly adding the current b-hop deathrun plugin to the trade server.
I don't really have an opinion on that, it seems fun but it could mess with the difficulty of the parcours, most importantly doomsday. And I can't think of many places where it would even allow you to get to decent speed, the nether, the pool, aether and the roof area maybe.

Finally, make it a defined rule that random trading people and begging isn't allowed. I am a trader with some visible higher tier items am sick to death of people randomly trading me and going "please can I have some ref, or a hat" multiple times just hoping ill donate them something. Now I know I myself can punish people for begging under that rule, but asking a couple of my regulars have a similar problem. Can we make a written rule that this isn't allowed in any form or matter, and a clear screenshot showing someone random trading you on the server and begging will allow an admin to ban.
I personally simply ignore random traders, since they're stuck in the sending trade window it wastes a few seconds of their life every time. As for making random trading against the rules, I don't agree. It seems like a very unintuitive rule to me. People that don't want to get randomly traded can decline the trade. I know that usually you would assume someone who trades you wants to resond to your advertisements and therefore wouldn't want to decline the trade. You mentioned proving the random trade with a screenshot. I'm having a hard time with that, I don't think it would be enough evidence. We can't know if they agreed on a trade or not. If someone begs in the trade window it is already reportable under the current begging rule.
I don't think random trading should be forbidden.

also why is Husky tagged, he's unimportant
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My thoughts where with how easy it may make death run. However, death run has been easily beaten at this point. I am able to do the death run very quickly with the scout. And 90% of regulars can also do this, it isn't uncommon for people to quickly do when the timer resets. I think it would have an opposite effect and actually make it more fun to do death run with that new found skills people can try out. I also agreed on the first and enforce it in that manner, I just want it to be clearly stated.

For the random trade thing, I clearly haven't clarified. I post regular trade adverts on what I am selling and looking to do. And it is impossible to know if a user is trading u for a serious offer and trade, or begging. It isn't "random trading" in its purest form like how you would experience, not posting trade adverts and still receiving trades to beg. But the time I have wasted ending trades cause some begger has traded me without me knowing they are a begger and wasting my time.

Husky is important to me :c
The blocking thingy gets a +1, good suggestion.

I think the server is enough of an apefest already without any movement enhancing plugins and I think it's imo doing fine without bhop.

Random trading is annoying af, agreed. But knowing there are quite a few of people on the server that start yelling out "XXX IS A SCAMMER BAN HIM ADMIN PLS WTF DO YOUR JOB WTF ADMIN KYS WTF ADMIN HE IS SCAMMING" when someone offers 2 ref less than their precious hat is listed for on, I see this being more of a nuisance with how hard it is to prove that someone is randomly trading for no reason at all. And I think providing screenshot to an admin would take at least as long as closing couple of random trades so it's just more of one's precious trading time wasted there.
Also people have differentiating opinions on what is random trading and will most likely call any offer they dislike "random trading pls ban" after they'd hear of this rule.

As zerpu already said, Husky is a nobody y u tag
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Uhh Zeprus just can't fix maps.
BHop would probably make things like already skilled snipers OP since you're basically giving them the ability to move extremely quickly like the hook...I guess. Maybe a "/friendly" feature?
Don't have an opinion nor do I care. It's a trade server after all.

Thanks for the kind words guys
If you have ever bhopped on dr, you would know it does take a while to get any kind of speed you couldn’t just bhop away from a solider bombing sat you.
Could a full admin please put a poll for each. Ty
probably time to give my own opinion

Firstly and probably the most petit thing in the world, but I would like to slightly change the teleport blocking rule. Currently, the rule only applies to buildings and not users purposefully blocking in a certain manner.

Due to the "fun" some users have in camping and containing a room such as the aether teleport room, often an engineer used to play a dispenser as per the rule states to prevent this, in the location opposing players would teleport to. This would inept any spies as they are unable to get past invisibly, and held players in a nice standstill position for the engineers to kill.

Now I propose that we remove the buildings clarification of "buildings" and just change it to no blocking purposefully, no obviously on a rare occasion people might coincidently get caught. But many have been using the loophole that does not explicitly say, people. Placing a dispenser on either side to constantly heal any player alternate to the engineer having an identical effect to placing just a building there. I have had many calls and issues regarding this and would instead of making a decision based on my own bias, see if the other admins agree and we can make an official update to the rules so I can refer to them if I decide to punish.
+1 for that but it can be a little harder to detect it if people block on purpose or accidentally. it happened to me today 3 times or more that i or someone else blocked me or i blocked the other one. So straight giving people bans or warnings its kinda hard to know if they block. If they do sit in the teleportation area and shoot/swing melee around then its obvious its done on purpose. Not doing on purpose can lead to some invalid bans when admins didnt really know what happened.
Secondly, I would like to suggest possibly adding the current b-hop deathrun plugin to the trade server. Now if you do not know what this is, in essence, it allows players who are able to time there jumps when landing to increase their speed of jumping dramatically, as shown here. I think this would be a really fun and interesting mod to add to an already goofy server. Many will argue that it will "intervene with try Harding" but it isn't simple to gain the speed and it will be fun to learn how to bhop and interesting to the current gameplay on trade.
Its actually fun to have a bhop mechanic in trade but im not sure how other people would react to that. so i'll just stay neutral
Finally, make it a defined rule that random trading people and begging isn't allowed. I am a trader with some visible higher tier items am sick to death of people randomly trading me and going "please can I have some ref, or a hat" multiple times just hoping ill donate them something. Now I know I myself can punish people for begging under that rule, but asking a couple of my regulars have a similar problem. Can we make a written rule that this isn't allowed in any form or matter, and a clear screenshot showing someone random trading you on the server and begging will allow an admin to ban.
I also have this happen a couple times that people randomly trade me but im actually against (-0.5) to this because if people know thats against the rules they could decide to be dicks and just say "that dude just randomly traded me" and could make unfair bans. About the begging in the middle of a trade is for me actually for me where i would support it (+0.5). Under every Beggar is a scammer hidden that would just act like it has no item. sounds dumb how i just said that
1. Yes
2. Debatable, going with a no for now
3. No

First suggestion is something I feel like should be enforced, I myself have been using this little loophole from time to time. But I agree that it's very cheesy and people are always trying to be a smart-ass.

The Second suggestion... I am not sure, I feel like adding a bhop plugin could make the server feel a little out of place. While it is fun to bhop (and as much as I enjoy doing it myself), it's not something I feel like could be really beneficial for the server in general. Mostly because people could gain a supposedly unfair advantage where it otherwise wouldn't exist. Like Husky said, sniper duels could be get more annoying and tedious, as highly skilled players could use this and make it like a Half-Life deathmatch map.

As for the third and last suggestion I feel like I don't need to say much, you can just ignore the request. And people could abuse it just to make a player banned.

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