Accepted Kruphixx's Admin Application (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
Surprise, surprise, it's that time again. I'd appreciate if staff read the whole "What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?" section before judging the application and me, thank you.


Steam32 ID:


Current playtime on relevant server(s):
VSH - 19d 09:28:09h
FF2 - 65d 01:21:21h

Link to your Sourcebans record:

Who gave you permission to apply?
I don't need permission as I'm more than 15 years old and servers I'm applying for are open for applicants.

Server you are applying for:
Panda-Community #05 | VS Saxton Hale
Panda-Community #13 | Freak Fortress 2

General online times & time zone:
Timezone: CET
Online times: Usually 11AM - 1PM every day

Do you have a working microphone?

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator:
I've been an admin here twice, once from November 2021 to July 2022, then from August 2022 to March 2023.

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?
I believe I was a good admin during my time and and gained respect of many people due to how quickly I was able to handle most gameserver-related and forum-related things such as suggestions, as well as keeping a pretty calm atmosphere on the servers, so I'd like to keep doing that. Both VSH and FF2 can be in a pretty horrible state sometimes due to admins not joining that often. I'm aware that my VSH sessions are pretty bad at the moment, that's mostly because the server is only fully active pretty occasionally and I started joining it again only recently. I'm sure my sessions will improve over time.

What lead to my recent resignation was my dissatisfaction with the state of the servers and burnout that I already talked about with some people. At the time I resigned I was also dealing with some emotional issues but thankfully I'm a lot better now.

I want to clear some concerns regarding me re-applying. I won't resign unless something happens in my life that causes me to no longer have time for TF2 or lose interest in it. I now realize that me resigning twice just because of lack of server updates was not very smart I guess. Maybe I care about updates too much. So, trust me when I say that I won't resign again when the servers don't get updated for some time.

I'd also like to apologize to some of the current staff as well as former staff for having, now that I think about it, some pretty unnecessary arguments about various Panda-related things. I admit that it was pretty childish of me sometimes so I hope you can forgive me for that and we can at least be neutral towards each other instead of being enemies.

Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments:
Rulebreakers will be warned once, twice or not at all depending on the severity of the rule broken.

  • Racism/Toxic behavior - Either none or one warning followed by a communication block depending on the severity.
  • Spam in chat or VC/Foreign language - One or two warnings followed by a communication block depending on the severity.
  • Advertising cheats - Permanent communication block

  • Camping as Hale/Teaming - One warning followed by a slay. Ban if the player continues camping/teaming after that.
  • Ghosting - One warning followed by a communication block if the player continues.
  • AFK players - Two kicks from the server accompanied by warnings, ban if the player continues being AFK after two kicks.
  • Exploiting - One warning followed by a slay. Ban if the player continues exploiting.
  • NSFW Sprays/Objectors/Avatars - Two /psay warnings followed by a ban if the player doesn't change their name, objector or avatar.
  • Offensive names - Two /psay warnings followed by a ban if the player doesn't change their name.
  • Cheating - Permanent ban accompanied by a demo.

Summoning the admin team: @Darky @Magglet @Solar

If any staff have any concerns or questions, feel free to DM me.

Previous resignation thread
Previous application

HLStats FF2
Heya Kruphixx, nice to see you wanting another go at it.
I dont think theres much to say, you've been a great admin the other numerous times and I highly doubt much changed from that. You're still very active and your logs are clean, and you still give out warnings and make valid reports. So in summary, it will be a +1 from me!
Hello kru,

You were a good admin before I'm sure once you realise you don't have to resign every time you need a break you will be perfect.

Happy to give you +1

Please refrain from leaking admin discord comments in future and I'm sure you will be an excellent admin again.
Hello kru,

You were a good admin before I'm sure once you realise you don't have to resign every time you need a break you will be perfect.

Happy to give you +1

Please refrain from leaking admin discord comments in future and I'm sure you will be an excellent admin again.
Yes I do admit that the leak was a pretty stupid thing of me to do and I'm sorry. Although you probably won't believe me for now I promise that something like that won't happen again.
All is already said above by the other 2 members so i wont repeat anything here beside that i dont approve you leaking stuff i still appreciate the stuff you did on the servers/forum when you were here. So hope you stay longer if you get accepted. +1
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Reactions: Kruphixx
That's all the feedback needed time to put this under review.

Any questions or inactivity during under review please let me know. Good luck ::):
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Reactions: Magglet
accepted, welcome back in the team.
your mentor during your trial phase will be @Solar
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Reactions: Kruphixx
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