Declined [JB] Removing the CC Warning for Minigames (4 Viewers)

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I'm surprised this many people want to be able to turn on collisions without a warning.
I think it's funnier to not have a warning
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If this Passes im going to be abusing this as much as possible lol
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I believe having rules that are similar for similar situations is helpful for new players too.
While I do agree that having similar rules for similar situation is a nice thing to have, I don't agree with that we should balance/change the game mode for newer/less experienced players or the (even though they don't really exist since JB isn't that serious) The Most Experienced/Skilled players. I believe we should look to change the rules for the average player who is experienced enough to win LR occasionally, but won't go on 5+ LR chain and has a basic idea of rules and an idea of how the players act
1. outline a larger issue, or 2. to fix a major problem, so unless the suggestion offers to fix a problem I don’t see it as worth the breath.
I agree that this change is in of it self, not the most flashy or impactful change, I do believe this does tackle an issue I've been noticing with JB ever since SS was restricted, and its suggestions that serve no other purpose but to simplify and remove mechanics that could be seen as annoying, some examples were the SS ban, This suggestion, the recent disco ban thread (IK its prob gonna be declined but it got imo a shocking amount of people wanting to ban it), and the attempt to have scoping/revving not count as baiting, I believe that this has started a bad trend of making the game mode easier for the sake of convenience and I while I don't think it would ever go as far as to completely rework JB, I believe it could go as far as to where the game becomes more stale and boring due to more mechanics/minigames we are fine with RN will be seen as unfun/horrible in the future since we banned or restricted anything worse so they seem bad in turn. a yin needs a yang and vice versa

If you are aware you need to know the rules to play on the guard team, don't read the rules, then play guard anyways it is not our problem nor should it be anyone else's. We shouldn't cater to people who don't care.
the type of players I was referring to were players that had either skimmed through the rules, had played on previous servers, or had learned the rules through time on red. I was definitely not referring to people who join blu immediately and rewardens, rather a newer blu who just happens to make a mistake such as an accidental freekill or forgets/overlooks a rule such as stating elimination in trivia
but that's not a reason for why every other game also needs to have RNG
this wasn't my original point at all, it was that things sucking shit is not unique to CC and you could argue that it could apply to everything if a blu tries hard enough. I believe removing minigames based off of the amount of fun you have in it is a wrong way to look at it, cause I hate minigames such trivia, soccer, Death Run, Star Pit, and most RNG games, but I believe you should only ban minigames that either are inherently broken (old bonzo below) or break the server rules (4 corners on volcano), obviously this is just how I view it and is a spooky opinion (IK CC isn't a minigame in of itself, but it changes most minigames enough to where I count it as its own separate thing)
Sweeper doesn't come attached with the knowledge that at any moment a single button press in the warden menu can result in you getting pushed off without you actually doing anything wrong.
There might not be a giant sign that says "CC may be turned on at any moment, be warned" however to make this claim to me is to also say that people won't learn or adapt from things which I don't find true
(for context the map I'm about to talk about is from SZF which simply is just L4D2 in tf2)
as you might be able to notice, there are landmines everywhere (which do extend a bit outside of the picture but this is where you start) and these one shot you via stepping on them, generally when we go to this map in the first round around 6-8 people will die due to them without interference from the zombies in a 30+ server and upon the last round it will generally decrease to around 3-5 people dying to the mines
the comparison that I'm trying to make is that while mechanics like these will initially trip newer players up, But People will eventually adapt and learn how to either not step on the mines or how to stay alive with CC whether planned or random. obviously this opens up another can of worms about whether its better to balance JB for more frequent one off players or dedicated regulars (which I don't really feel like arguing about in my head till 2 in the morning)
Im positive half the people don't know what they are agreeing on
I'm 100% positive the only people who would vote yes on this never play red team and force warden every round.
i just wrote like 2 monologues worth of reasons why I don't agree with others opinions and their reasoning :sadge:
Alright so i know im resident shitpost and have tended towards low effort posts in the past let me actually give in and give a real opinion here and use some of my experience from playing on Blackwonder and SG.

I understand the whole joke/meme deal about wanting to have no warning cc it in order to abuse it but we as a community should really stay out of that mentality and respect our fellow players a bit more.

Its not a secret that im formerly of blackwonder and i can say that announcing cc isnt required on that server. However the reason that we never had the problem is that giving warning for CC has also been given just out of general courtesy and i dont ever really remember it being a problem ever because people respected the unwritten rule. It only started becoming a problem here when people found out that they can pretty much turn cc on whenever they want with absolutely no reproccusions and have used this grey area rule in order to just outright grief players.

This whole rule being put in place is a result of our current culture and part of that culture is finding grey areas/loopholes in the rules and exploiting them in such a large degree it actively makes people have way less fun. Im not a fan of it, but people obviously cant control themselves.


Personally we never had a problem before this rule changed was implemented because people used common courtesy when doing CC but bad apples have poisoned it and now we need to keep it an official rule because users can no longer be trusted to not exploit the rules.
Okay how about this, you have to mention before the minigame that you will enable cc but not when, this gives the reds the chance to be prepared and cautious while also keeping the surprise factor for the blu team.
Okay how about this, you have to mention before the minigame that you will enable cc but not when, this gives the reds the chance to be prepared and cautious while also keeping the surprise factor for the blu team.
can we redo the poll and add this as an option
Why don't we just make berke(;)) edit the plugin so when you try to activate warden cc it sends 3 warnings in chat (or csay/wherever) 1 second apart from eachother before actually doing it. I for one hate having so many rules and think gameplay itself should be the limiter on people's actions.
Sending warnings in the chat doesn't help really as a lot of people don't look at the chat whilst a round is on going.
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Honestly, since you guys want to keep the "surprise factor" of cc why not just give a warning like a minute or two in advance. Like at the beginning of the round say "I will be turning on cc at xx:xx" lets say 6:30 for example. This means you have in fact given a warning. It's a case of reds keeping track of time to know when it's gonna come. Not all reds are aware enough to keep track of the time and it will give at least some players the desired surprise factor while still giving that warning.
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