Completed [JB] Remove the Snowday remake (1 Viewer)

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Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
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Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
Ok, so...

Yes, this is my first suggestion in almost three months. I made a vow to stop making SHITTY suggestions and give more thought into suggestions if I ever make them. With this suggestion, I've been going back and forth for a few days, almost a week, on whether or not to make this poll, but after getting the opinions of some JB players, many of whom are also critical of this map, and examining the map myself, I've been able to compile a list of reasons, with thought put into them, as to why this map isn't very popular and wouldn't be a terrible idea to remove it:

The minigames aren't labeled: Besides the next reason, I think this might be the biggest reason as to why I, and many others, aren't fond of this map. Practically none of the minigames are labeled, meaning BLUs will usually have to go inside them, or at least very close up, to actually find out what they are. As a result, many times I've played on this map, we usually end up only doing Climb or Deathrun, because those some of the only minigames that can be identified just by looking at their structure (Sweeper and Obby can also be identified pretty easily but are rarely played compared to the aformentioned Climb and Deathrun).
The map is confusing to navigate: In my opinion, this is somewhat a symptom of the "minigames aren't labeled" reason, but also the fact that it's a disorienting mess of paths and buildings that make the map confusing to navigate. A lot of the buildings are too close together, making the map feel very cramped, and even with the map in cells, it's very difficult to find anything, with the previously mentioned reason not helping to this; it's because of this that 75% of rounds end in the warden dying and REDs mass rebelling. The next reason also contributes to this.
The lighting is bad: The map has a foginess to it that makes it hard to see anything unless you get rather close to it, compared to other maps without this "foginess".
The Obby on this map is particularly flawed: Most of this has to do with the sentry at the start. For one, it can actually shoot REDs who are standing above the Obby, through the glass. Two, there is no way to kill it, as it is barricaded completely, unlike other Obbys with Sentries. Three, it has particularly brutal knockback; while faster classes like Scouts can easily run into Obby and behind the crate to avoid it, particularly slow classes like Heavies are gonna have a tougher time with this.
None of the minigames stand out: While this may seem like more of a nitpick compared to the other reasons, I still think it's a reason I'm not crazy about this map. Besides not having any unique minigames, none of the existing minigames stand out from any of their other counterparts, visually or gameplay-wise. The "race to the finish" games like Climb, Stairway, or Obby, don't feel any unique from other Climbs, Obbys, and Stairways.
This map is unpopular: This map rarely gets chosen, and when it does, it's almost always RTV'ed off of at some point before the map timer runs out.
The original Snowday is vastly superior: And I can easily say why: on the original Snowday, most of the minigames are labelled and if not are easily identifiable, the map is easy to navigate, the lighting isn't bad, and it's not constantly RTV'ed.
aye look its my map I gotta give my two cents on this.

1 and 2;
These a fair points, however, you have to understand that if you do not play the map you cannot learn the map and the layout. There is also the fact that the layout and minigames are effectively in the same locations as the "original" snowday, something you would have realised if you actually played the map, especially the layout, where the actual only massive difference is the top side of the map where the cell vent is, where I allowed for an alternative route from the vent

I know lol, just turn off HDR and there'd be no problem, a genuine mistake on my part though

You guys clearly never played on the actual original snowday, in which the obby sentry was the highlight of the map. It is very possible with every class you just have to time your jump in and not just sprint in like a headless chicken like most jb players are tbh

I don't remember needing maps to have a super epic unique minigame to be considered part of the map rotation.

Not needed to be a point if you are suggesting to remove the map in the first place.

Refer to earlier points.

All in all, theres nothing I can do about it as it is, since I really am not motivated to make maps, or even updates, but @Unicake and someone else are working on updates to it, so it'd be better to just wait for those (mainly Unicakes since it fixes the glaring lighting issue) to be completed and then just update it and see how it goes.
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