Answered [JB] Double Jumping when plugin breaks considered Exploit? (2 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2015
Some admin apparently told Nightmare Hunter that if scouts double jump when the plugin breaks, is considered exploit and can be shot on sight.

Since I last recall scouts could double jump all the time without any consequences whatsoever (when the plugin broke), so im curious as to why out of nowhere some unheard of rule appears(or rather why all of a sudden its being enforced), without notifying the community about it.

Or is it untrue.
Tagging JB staff
Sounds like someone just wanted an excuse to kill and get points as well.
If everyone can double jump then it should be up to the warden to decide how to proceed with them (a simple dont double jump rule), its not exploiting imo (as its a base game feature...).
Sounds like someone just wanted an excuse to kill and get points as well.
If everyone can double jump then it should be up to the warden to decide how to proceed with them (a simple dont double jump rule), its not exploiting imo (as its a base game feature...).
exactly what I was thinking.
Husky’s response mirrors mine. It’s not an exploit, just a base game feature being restricted by a plugin.

Compared to comms breaking, the double jump plugin breaking isn’t as severe. For the time being, wardens can simply restrict double jumping.
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Interesting enough, the current plugin soup we have seems to not allow us to unblock double jumping, we have had a suggestion for it on hold for a very long time. Would be nice to finally implement it along with red airblast.
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