I'm making a DR map (3 Viewers)

Kitty Cat

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2013
That's right! i got some time to kill these days so i decided to give mapping a try again. I've got the basics of the map done, it's just a long hallway for now. But i need your help. I'm not good at coming up with trap ideas, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I already have one trap set up, it involves getting smashed to pulp by Merasmus' Necro Smasher. but that's all i have so far, so ideas are more than welcome.
Please no obstacles, where one has to jump from platform to platform. The bhop plugin fucks you up, unless you decide to bhop (and strafe).

  • The walls from each side go quickly together.
  • A rectangle shaped, large trap where cylinder-like objects roll towards the players, but the objects get destroyed as soon as they enter the outside of the trap. Objects that stop and don't have momentum despawn by getting destroyed.
  • A trap that teleports players to a different room, but with the same enviroment, as if walls just popped up in front of the player and behind player. The floor, beneath the area that teleports the players, changes to a color when it's active. Inside the room, stuff happen.
Make it where a fence locks you in a section then a doctor who dalek comes out of the floor, yells exterminate then zaps you and the death type is set to energy beam I think it's called in hammer
Not hallways, not the dreaded god damn hallways again. Anything but another hallway based map with unoriginal traps. Atleast give a theme, there's so many maps that consist of nothing but god damn hallways, and they're all the same shit.

I disagree with the no jumping platforms thing, unless Danny meant the disappearing platforms. Well made obstacles can be a fun way to add some variety to the level (also gives death a little while to chill out before having to activate traps again.)

I'm willing to help with the design. Add me if you're interested or something.
Not hallways, not the dreaded god damn hallways again. Anything but another hallway based map with unoriginal traps. Atleast give a theme, there's so many maps that consist of nothing but god damn hallways, and they're all the same shit.

I disagree with the no jumping platforms thing, unless Danny meant the disappearing platforms. Well made obstacles can be a fun way to add some variety to the level (also gives death a little while to chill out before having to activate traps again.)

I'm willing to help with the design. Add me if you're interested or something.

I'd love some help, especially with lighting and maybe some other things. The map DOES have a theme, i try and make every trap revolve around Merasmus or the general halloween theme. I've only managed to make 2 working traps so far, one of them being the giant necrosmasher hammer slamming down on trapped victims, the other one being a bombinomicon (correct name?) spawning and causing some explosions.

I'm not an experienced mapper, so a hallway is the only thing i'll do as of now. Once i get the hang of mapping, i can start working on more complicated level designs.
Some updates: The First part, the "dreaded hallway", is done. lighting is in place and i can now sart on the second part of the map.

The Spawn room:

View from spawn room:

Yes, the lava kills. It also emits a warm orange glow, as if it were real lava.

The trap that i am the most proud of: Hammers!

And of course, they are full functional with sounds, shake effect and smash damage.

BLU's buttons are easy to access and disappear when hit.

See something that needs improvement? Let me now!
Looks good so far, can't wait to see it on the server :)
If any idea pops into my mind i'll make sure to suggest it.
looks a bit dark?
That's the point, it's halloween themed, so it can't be too bright. I can adjust the brightness if necessary.
Kitty, massive tip is to have a good ending on the dr map. I personally think that the ending is what makes the map good, some examples that I can think of right now are good humiliations, an obstacle course, walls, sweeper/wipeout, skyfall (like on dr_nightfall). I literally like some maps only because of the minigames and stuff on the end, even if the map is (what I think) pretty bad, I could take dr_dlux_nightfall as an example or dr_prison_escape.

Goodluck with the map and I hope the results you expect are achieved.
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Are you going to put any secrets/ secret rooms in it?
Are you going to put any secrets/ secret rooms in it?

There is a trail secret in it, but no button/teleporter to it yet. I want to focus on making a working map first, and adding secrets after.
Kitty, massive tip is to have a good ending on the dr map. I personally think that the ending is what makes the map good, some examples that I can think of right now are good humiliations, an obstacle course, walls, sweeper/wipeout, skyfall (like on dr_nightfall). I literally like some maps only because of the minigames and stuff on the end, even if the map is (what I think) pretty bad, I could take dr_dlux_nightfall as an example or dr_prison_escape.

Goodluck with the map and I hope the results you expect are achieved.

I take what i can from other maps (read: look how things are made and then try and make my own version of it) to improve mine. First thing to do is make sure the map can be played and a round can be won. After that, i can start to add different endings for people to choose from.
I take what i can from other maps (read: look how things are made and then try and make my own version of it) to improve mine. First thing to do is make sure the map can be played and a round can be won. After that, i can start to add different endings for people to choose from.
I'm happy to see another guy working on a deathrun map like I am. You seem way more skilled than me at this so keep up the good work!

Just wondering how's the development of the map going?

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