Accepted Was banned by the Console for having a dupe account but I don't have any other accounts (1 Viewer)

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Mar 4, 2020
SourceBans Ban URL:
Name of your Banned Steam Account: FiregearsX
Steam ID:
Date and Time of the Ban: 1/20/2022 20:57:41
Reason about the Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account
Admin that Banned you: Console
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: This happened the last time I was banned for some reason the console banned for me for having a duped account but I legit don't have any other account other than this one and I don't know where the console is picking up said Dupe account. I was playing just fine moments before I got banned the *bam, is said player disconnect and when I tried to rejoin, it said I have been banned from the server. I don't know how I can prove to you all that this is legit my only account but it is and I only play with this account. Idk if it's another player that joins with my name or what because idk what it would cause the console to see my account as duplicated?

So took me a while to figure out what happened.

When apex (smol boi) joined and got blocked by the ban of the server it took the IP apex joined with to then block that too as it saw it as an attempt to surpass the ban. Since you share the same IP, and it got that IP from apex attempt to join, it saw you had the same IP and blocked it by banning your account.

Your little brother should stop attempting to join panda community. If he wants to get on he should appeal because every time he attempts to connect sourcebans stores the IP preventing any other accounts sharing the same IP from joining. So really you need to tell your brother this.

I've removed the IP again and your account ban. If it happens again the ban is staying until I get you both into a call to talk about the circumstances going on.
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