Accepted Snowikov's Ban appeal (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Jul 24, 2023

What's your username? Snowikov

What is your SteamID?

What is your type of punishment? Spray Ban

Where were you banned from? Servers

Who has punished you? I believe it was Solar, on a singaporean 2fort server

Why were you punished? My spray depicted an anime character from Arifureta doing a suggestive pose and was barely clothed, although no nipples or genitalia was shown.

Why should we revoke your punishment? I've learned now that sprays like those are not allowed on Panda servers, and i'm willing to change my sprays so it doesn't cause any complications for next time. I'm sorry, and i won't repeat my mistake again.
can you post your new spray here?
alright il remove the sprayban just remember to not use any sprays that are nude/suggestive on the servers
Accepted 🍺
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