Declined Michael(Webb)'s Unban Appeal and Apology (1 Viewer)

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Gameserver Admin
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Gameserver Admin
Dec 6, 2014
I was asked to post this for him:

SourceBans Ban URL: Forum Ban
Name of your Banned Steam Account: Michael
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:31955958
Date and Time of the Ban: Unkown date, Perma Forum Ban
Reason about the Ban: "being immature"
Admin that Banned you: Kevin

MichaelWebb said:
I have had time to grow up and mature as a man I know in the past I was immature and stupid but if given the opportunity I would like to prove that I have grown and that I am more respectful to all those I have wronged I apologize to you know and if I am able to I would like to have the chance to apologize to you all verbally I hope you can give me the opportunity to prove it fully.

All i keep hearing from people who have had a forum ban is " omg i have matured, plz let me back," Shouldof matured before you got banned tbh. It is like going to jail for murder,raping,ect and then afterwards saying stuff like. i think i have matured, let me outof jail. You recieved a punishment.

Wish people would come up with better excuses then " i have matured"
Michael did too much wrong in the past, so much warnings...
Correct me if i'm wrong. Everyone deserves perhaps a second chance. But he was leaving, coming back, leaving, coming back. I don't get what he was doing exactly. I don't want to give a yes or no that he can come back. Let's hear some more opinions...

( if you don't know his guy, please don't reply to this thread. )
Michael did too much wrong in the past, so much warnings...
Correct me if i'm wrong. Everyone deserves perhaps a second chance. But he was leaving, coming back, leaving, coming back. I don't get what he was doing exactly. I don't want to give a yes or no that he can come back. Let's hear some more opinions...

( if you don't know his guy, please don't reply to this thread. )

A person doesn't have to know about him to reply on this thread, everyone can give their opinion as long as it doesn't go off topic.The thing is if you get a "permanent ban" of some sort on a server or forum, you shouldn't get the chance to appeal to get unbanned, I mean it kinda beats the purpose of the word "permanent" if it gets lifted. If the punishment wasn't fair then I agree with appealing for it but for what I've seen what he did he shouldn't be able to appeal for an unban.

Also going back on what @Zushikikato Wolfeh said, saying you matured is a horrible excuse, you should think before you act.
Personally, this is my opinion:
no offense but i doubt i am not the only one who thinks against that. (unbanning him)
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Wait... we are talking about "The MichaelWebb"?

Well' I know that we have to decide as a community and all... but I think it's the best for us all to pass this one down.
Just a heads up for the "new-ish" players on the community, MichealWebb is a player who couldn't behave and made one big drama on the forums/shoutbox and our servers.
Kevin ended up banning him from the community since he couldn't cut it out after giving him too many warnings.

I think the actions he did back then (within this year) should have consequences as in: won't get back on this community anymore and properly should take this as a life lesson for other community's.
So after some digging around I found out the place that he administrated on he is now banned from. He may be possibly looking for a new community to settle into, hence why the request for the unban.

Thought I'd inform, even though it looks like the decision is clear.
Wichael went too far i think he deserves his punishment.
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Message from Michael:
MichaelWebb said:
I understand many if not all of you have your doubts about unbanning me from your community but you see as a Christian God understands and forgives all no matter the offence and as a Christian that is my life to forgive all and understand that man/woman does wrong sometimes but after all that is all a part of what makes us human and I know some of you will say God is not real but you see I believe he is and I will continue to believe that until the day I die and you see me leaving and coming back was me being plain stupid as I could never make my mind up I know I had many warnings but you see I have not yet had a second chance which everyone deserves

I also want to make clear that I am not siding with him, just posting his messages.
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When did Christianity become relevant. Also I see that he still types all his posts in 1 sentence.

I don't feel the need to see him back here, especially considering what sequence of events lead to this appeal.
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Does this
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
We host servers and
We like Pandas. - The Mighty Panda
Still count?

Such bullshit tbh, just because you're a christian doesn't mean we will automatically forgive you. The community has it's own rules and those who violates them will be punished accordingly.
And with that many warnings/bans/whatnot it's pointless to bring him back, who knows if he is just making this all up just to make us believe a completely different story than what was told before?
MichaelWebb said:
This is the last one after this I would not blame anyone for locking this, I understand that Panda has it's own rules heck every community does and just because I am Christian does not mean I should be forgiven as of right this second, even for a Christian it still takes time to know that God has forgiven you no matter the offence against his Holy name, I understand you all do not believe I have changed and I respect that but you have to see things from where I stand, yes I created drama and for that I apologize I know I pissed a lot if not all of you off but know this, I have been trying my hardest to understand things from other people's point of view, I type in one sentence because for me I need to speak out loud what I type to know where to put the punctuation and such, if that makes some of you think I am retarded then go ahead and this that, all I ask is for that one second chance and if I blow it then instead of getting re-banned I will walk away and not return even if the server is there to be played, that is all I ask is for the one opportunity to put right what I once did wrong.

I do not blame anyone if they want this locked and for me to be forgotten, in-fact if you have me on your list and wish to remove me I will not complain.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if given the chance talk to you soon, if not then goodbye.
^all this stuff about god is making me cringe, no offence to people who believe
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Message from Michael:

I also want to make clear that I am not siding with him, just posting his messages.

Using God to get unbanned from a game.

I'am just going to leave this here

+ Some people should never be forgiven (:
Bla bla bla. Messed up, forgiveness, won't blame us if we don't do it,etc etc. Last time he said he wouldn't get angry he made that status in all caps of "BAN ME SINCE YOU HATE ME BAN ME SINCE YOU HATE ME.". Same bullshit every time.
Bla bla bla. Messed up, forgiveness, won't blame us if we don't do it,etc etc. Last time he said he wouldn't get angry he made that status in all caps of "BAN ME SINCE YOU HATE ME BAN ME SINCE YOU HATE ME.". Same bullshit every time.

Don't forget to spam the shoutbox with capslock and ignore everybody who tries to reason with you.
Also, try to get on the servers and misbehave as much as you can telling every player that this community sucks and it's doomed to die out.

...Seems about right.
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