Accepted Madact's 3rd Admin Application (1 Viewer)

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Community Manager
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Community Manager
Nov 8, 2014
- Your name and/or nickname

- Your age

- Who gave you permission to apply? (applies to applicants under 15 or those who apply for servers not listed in the "Available positions" thread)
I don’t need permission as I’m of age and NY JB is available for positions.

- Your Steam32 ID (this is not simply a profile link. Look up what it is and how to get it; simply posting what you think it is makes you seem unprofessional)


MADACT’S SESSIONS Note : These will improve as the application is being considered.
MADACT’S COMMUNICATION BANS - 52 Note - Most of my communication bans were due to a glitch back in old jailbreak days. It has been fixed now. The other two are joke communication blocks, I can assure you.

- Your general online times and your timezone
I believe I can at least spend 1 hour per day (or every other day) on the server.

My time would usually be between 18:00 to 22:00 GMT +1. So I can cover 4 hours on the call bot, give or take.
This is a usual time when the server is decently or fully populated.

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report? NY | Jailbreak. (Please include powers to #17 | Jailbreak as well)
I’m all right visiting other servers. I know most of the rules. I know that there are new ones I need to catch up with, but I have plenty of time to do that on my own accord.

- Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)
I believe the whole community knows I have a microphone. So yes.

- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator
Well I started off on BoG (Blackout Gaming), that was about 3-4 months as admin there in 2013-2014.

For Panda Community, I started out December 2014. It’s between at least 2 years of experience here as I have been on and off since then. I've been a mentor to a decent amount of admins. This is also my 3rd application.
Reasons for leaving panda community (2nd time) where because I went back into education and didn't know how much time it would take up. Now I know, I can plan my schedule accordingly.

Here are my previous applications:

1st application
2nd application

- Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?
I am well versed. Sometimes I have relook to remind myself and will probably need a quick recap for jailbreak as it requires fast command inputs there.

I only use console when the name is complicated or hacker. The rest can simply be used in chat box.

- Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
NY JB needs the help and needs experienced admins to help out with the community in dealing with rulebreakers. I really just want everyone to have fun...But it’s extremely difficult when someone ruins the fun by freekilling, mic spamming and just general rule breaking.

I generally prefer to admin on my own, which makes me ideal for the jailbreak’s current situation. I can however work with other admins, so long as communication is clear between us.

I tend not to step on other admins’ toes on different servers. It’s mainly their domain and I will not inturd unless help is needed.

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.
Every admin is different on what they deem is fair on punishments within this community. I personally believe in the 5th punishment is permanent. If ideals have changed since then, I will adjust myself according (mainly to my mentor’s preferences)

Both ban and communication punishments go in this order of punishment stacking:

720 - 1440 - 10080 - 43800 - 0

12 hours - 1 day - 1 week - 1 month - Permanent.

The 1 month mark usually makes them come onto the forums to wonder what is going on. It’s a good last chance saloon for players, as communication can then be given clearly to the player without distractions.

12 hours maybe harsh, but I believe is necessary (especially to tie up with reports). Keep in mind, warnings are given before the punishment is given (Except to hacking and other particular situations).

Jailbreak has a lot of rules that can be broken. It would take me awhile to list them all, including the general server rules. I’m going to list a couple to give you guys examples of what type of admin I am.

Micspamming - Usually the worst ones are music spammers, who do it just so that they can stop communication of warden’s orders. I do not give warnings for this, as it is pretty clear that this is against the rules. After the punishment is placed, I list the reason why.
As for singing (not roleplay intended), constant weird noises...generally just things that can stop communication with players and a general annoyance, warnings are given. After warnings are ignored, the punishment gets applied.

Fail Warden - It generally depends, but this usually involves moving them to red with /teamswitch (If the command still exists) and warning them not to join blue until they understand how the gamemode works.
Failing this, such as instantly joining blue, going warden and failing again will result in a non-permanent team ban. Repeated offenses in the future would result in a permanent team ban.

Mass Freekilling - There is two sides to this. The first one is just not understanding how the games works. The next is usually on purpose for whatever reason. These both always result in a permanent team ban, including a game ban (this part may of changed, I’ll ask my mentor about this later).

Freekilling - Again this can be split into purpose or accident. Usually accidents end up slaying themselves (unless warden). So long as the player who freekilled knows they have done wrong, I usually just respawn the freekilled player and give the blue a little telling off. For on purpose, they will receive a teamban. I would consider a gameserver ban, depending on how serious the situation is. As freekilling because of confusion, teamban with respawn of freekilled player.

Baiting - Ah, this is a toughie. I’ve seen plenty of baiting and I know why the rules are up, but they do add generally confusion. I plan to have binds to warn players that they are baiting. Thinking of adding a slap command to get the blue’s attention. Failing to heed warning, they will be slayed with a reasoning in the chat. When they respawn for next round and continue, they will receive a light teamban. These will stack if the player continues in the future.

Inappropriate Sprays - I usually select the remove and warning one first. If they respray it again, the player receives a spray ban.

Hacking - I have auto recording demos set up ready to deal with rule breaking, but I believe hacking cases will be separately recorded with a particular name. So I open console up, type ‘record hacker’, usually go into spectate and record the suspicious activity. Once I am certain that it is third party software, I would then put a length ban on the player and report to my mentor (Or full admin) who can then change it to permanent once reviewing my demo.

Exploiting - Exploiting usually means it was not intended by the map creator for players to be able to use a glitch to their advantage. Although burger king massacre is intended by the map creator, the minigame breaks warday rule. This is one example that can be classed as ‘exploiting’. Usually the player does not receive much warning, as alerting other players to what is going on could result in further practice of said exploit. However, slaying and warning the player ‘not to do that again’ in chat would usually do it. Further use of it would result in a ban from the server.

If you need anymore examples, feel free to comment below and I will give how I would respond to the situation.

Thank you for reading my application, hopefully you guys are willing to accept me back to be part of the team. :nekoheart:
@Travis so you're tagged.

Any who, I have seen a lot more of you on the server, you're a friendly face to have around and everyone seems to enjoy when you are around. You were a great admin from what I can remember. (I feel like it isn't my place to really give an opinion but ye.) Seeing that everyone and there mother agrees by liking your app shows that as well. I would comment on your sessions but you already did and said they would improve so I am trusting that. I honestly can't say anything negative that I have seen from you. Your app is very clean *Clearly because you've done this before*. Your ban times seem a bit harsh in my eyes at least, first is 12 hour then 5th perm? For JB, 5th being a perm is pretty harsh due to all the rules that can be broken. I follow 4-8 hours - 1 day - 3 days - 1 week - 1 month - Perm. It has done me well so far so it is up to you but I would like to see 6th being a perm. All around everything is good so I am giving a +1. Keep those sessions up and it will stay a +1.

Any who, I have seen a lot more of you on the server, you're a friendly face to have around and everyone seems to enjoy when you are around. You were a great admin from what I can remember. (I feel like it isn't my place to really give an opinion but ye.) Seeing that everyone and there mother agrees by liking your app shows that as well. I would comment on your sessions but you already did and said they would improve so I am trusting that. I honestly can't say anything negative that I have seen from you. Your app is very clean *Clearly because you've done this before*. Your ban times seem a bit harsh in my eyes at least, first is 12 hour then 5th perm? For JB, 5th being a perm is pretty harsh due to all the rules that can be broken. I follow 4-8 hours - 1 day - 3 days - 1 week - 1 month - Perm. It has done me well so far so it is up to you but I would like to see 6th being a perm. All around everything is good so I am giving a +1. Keep those sessions up and it will stay a +1.

Thank you for the feedback Travis :)
I'm willing to add another punishment stack to make it 6. Probably going to change the 12 hours to 6 hours and add a 3 day one between 1 day and 1 week.
As for the sessions, I can promise you they will be better but we'll see in the future the proof :)
If I do get accepted I'm hoping we can work together well with administrating jailbreak :azbaby: Take the huge pressure off you hopefully!
Am I late to give a little bit of opionion?

I hope not!

Madact sure is a fun and responsable woman.I remember when I first joined this community seeing you around almost on every server but mainly FF2,having fun and also always keeping out an eye for rule breakers.

Now you are re-applying and I have had chances to play with you on NY Jailbreak and also on FF2 sometimes.

I don't feel like I should give opinions for the server you are applying for tho.
The application is neat and really well-done.

Just wishing you good luck.

Huge YES from me.
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