Declined I don't know why I got banned. (1 Viewer)

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Ranger Ciri

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2016
Hey my in game name is [T-H-C-C] Ciri, I have been banned and the last server I played on was dodgeball. I haven't stolen any rockets and infact I had one of mine stolen. So I did ''!call'' and called him out and in chat it said ''don't use !call when there is an admin on the server'' or something like that

Aaaaand I got banned, I would like to know why I got banned and if I could get another chance for whatever it was I did. I never knew ther was an admin online so this could be my mistake if that's the problem, I never knew it was that bad (I did not mean to do it either) A warning would be better

[T-H-C-C] Ciri
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49030523
Steam3 ID: [U:1:98061046]
Steam Community 76561198058326774
Invoked on 06-10-16 15:40
Banlength 2 d
Expires on 06-12-16 15:40
Reason: Call abuse
Banned by Admin: Lighty
Banned from #04 [Dodgeball|gameME]
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (2) [T-H-C-C] Ciri, [T-H-C-C] Ciri
I don't see how someone can be so strict. I got my rocket stolen and usually the player gets killed but this player wasn't killed. So I never knew an admin was online so I used !call and it told me to not use it again because an admin was online. I realised it was my mistake even though I don't know how to check if an admin is on or not, and what'd you know I get banned for trying to use a command that I didn't know I couldn't use with an admin on.

It's very that it's two days, I really don't know what to say more about this because stuff like this is just unbelieveable.
You did receive a warning, judging by the fact that you stated:

So I did ''!call'' and called him out and in chat it said ''don't use !call when there is an admin on the server'' or something like that

This means that Lighty did indeed warn you about not calling whilst an Admin was on the server. Also, just for a POV about this player in general:

You do indeed steal whenever you know an Admin is not on the server. I have randomly joined before just to check on the status of things, and I always see you stealing. In fact, half the time, you're on your mic saying things like: "I hope Admin isn't on to slay me." or "Don't worry guys the Admin isn't on."

And then, whenever you do get slain, you start whining about it. "Oh no. Are you the Admin that hates me? Why was I slain?"
And even worse than that, you continue to aggravate by constantly saying things like "Be careful; don't steal. Or the Admin is going to slay you," in a very sarcastic voice. And, to further your actions, you run behind people to make it seem like they're trying to steal your rockets by attempting to get them killed, alongside saying you stole rockets over mic whenever you didn't, which greatly confuses the Admin on the server when they're trying to pay attention to everyone else.

I honestly see this as a grudge against you getting punished for your rule-breaking actions.

Also: on another note; your punishment is 2 days because we have a ban length system here. You currently have 2 bans, which would normally equal 1 day punishment length, however, your first ban was upgraded to 1 day since you were advertising, and, imagine that, stealing. DeadSworn also knows that you aggravate Admins and that I've had issues with you before, such as you stealing just enough to get by with it before stopping so I had no right to ban you. Which is exactly why we bumped your 1st punishment up to a day ban time.

Anyway, @Lighty will be ultimately be the one who decides upon this. However, I doubt he'll be able to since he's currently listed as 'inactive.'
You're right about most of the stuff you said but not the part where you said I steal rockets when admins aren't online. Yes I do joke with the admin, I even convinced Lighty to talk in voicechat because we turned out being friends and joked around, you can ask him yourself and you might even know since you remember all of this. You know all of this but something you don't know is that Lighty has already informed me to stop therefor I have after my first ban. Oh and by the way I don't either run behind people to get them killed or whatever you're talking about. Non of that is true.

Thank you for informing me about the punishment being two days for my number of bans.
And no, Lighty did not warn me about not using that command. When I said I called ''him'' out I was talking about the person that stole my rocket. Not a single warning from anyone other than the one that pops up when you do !call when there's an admin on.
After I saw you type !call I warned you not to call with the warning in the middle of the screen as well. Since you saw it you should've cancelled it or typed !abort if you used the custom reason and since you didn't and used call anyways I banned you.

Also mind using the template next time?
I was either not paying attention or didn't know how to cancle, as I said it was a mistake and thanks for the template. I'm fine with closing this discussion.
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