Accepted Guardban and Gag appeal (1 Viewer)

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Nov 3, 2018
There are 2 bans here:
SourceBans Ban URL:
Name of your Banned Steam Account: Septic
Steam ID 32 : STEAM_0:0:48748730
Date and Time of the Ban: 7/28/2019 -- 8:15:37
Reason about the Ban: Insulting
Admin that Banned you: Madact
Date and Time of the Ban: 04/15/2019 -- 20:12:10
Reason about the Ban: Baiting
Admin that Banned you: Polarioid [I think that's Roar]

Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban:
Well, I've been banned for at least 2 years on both bans, I joined back on Jailbreak after that period of time (I made some appearances during this gap from then to now), and I've wanted to wipe away all those bans that I've created by being an idiot. I've started playing again and during this time I have started to enjoy it a lot more since I took my break. I'd like this ban to be lifted in hopes that it will let me interact more with people and stop me from missing out on being on the blue team, I enjoy being warden, and being on blue as just a guard as well is something I've missed being. I cannot say that my past bans and restrictions weren't warranted, they were. But over time attributes that caused such restrictions and just genuine hassle have gone away. A lot of experience was gained and being on the other end of a toxic and troublesome person really is just an annoying thing to deal with. I understand that now. I want to forget about the stupid things that have led to this, and I hope this can be a step to where I can enjoy myself fully and I also hope to help others enjoy themselves without a bad history bringing it down.
Sorry for the late response! You've been really patient and I appreciate it :twc:

Something important to bring to this:

It's been the correct amount of time for your communication block to be considered.

From what I know, I have not heard of any bad behaviour. But this also links to your teamban in which we have the same problem that the jailbreak team has. They haven't seen you enough to form an opinion on you. They mentioned your past which was about 2 - 3 years ago so I couldn't go of that but one did mention that you where chill and are known as the spy that backstabs the warden :pepega:

So thinking about how you've been and I know you haven't joined as much as we would hope but I'm going to give you another chance on both your punishments.

However if you break rules for both communication rules and jailbreak rules you will receive a permanent teamban / silence and you can no longer appeal for them. They will be automatically rejected, unless you contest it was an unfair judgement on the admin's behalf.

You really are on the last chance saloon. Please make sure you understand the rules. You won't be getting anymore chances.

I've lifted the gag but you'll need to contact a jailbreak admin to lift your teamban punishment. Just link them to this thread and they'll understand.
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