Declined Ban Appeal (1 Viewer)

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Jul 13, 2021
SourceBans Ban URL:
Name of your Banned Steam Account: Fox.exe
Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:0:463486207
Date and Time of the Ban: 19.08 31.01.2022
Reason about the Ban: Teamswitching
Admin that Banned you: Mikey
Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: I was afk eating and my brother came up to my pc and swiched my team to blue i knew about the warns from anon and i am rly sorry for braking the rules and at this point i just wanna be unbanned im sorry for the truble and again i promise to not let this happen ever again

I was afk eating and my brother came up to my pc and swiched my team to blue
If you came up with another, and better, excuse and I would never believe it either way.
I already knew prior the ban, and the warning, that you were doing this, which you just also admitted you were conscious it's against the rules.

i knew about the warns from anon
Then why have you kept doing it? If now you're sorry about what you have done, the only person to blame it's only yourself.
Furthermore, that wasn't your only warn in these days, which it means that you should've been banned already, we've been giving you one extra chance in case you could redeem yourself, but apparently we were absolutely wrong about it., but apparently we were absolutely wrong about it.

Now, you have a week to wait and use it to think about this punishment that it will serve as a lesson for you.

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