Invalid Admin for deathrun (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Mar 7, 2016
- Your name and/or nickname

The Cute Koala (players on the server just call me Koala)

- Your age

15 years old, but very kind and mature

- Who gave you permission to apply? (applies to applicants under 15 or those who apply for servers not listed in the "Available positions" thread)

a guy I met on one of your deathrun server(s) called aokigahara

- Your Steam32 ID (this is not simply a profile link. Look up what it is and how to get it; simply posting what you think it is makes you seem unprofessional)


- Your general online times and your timezone

I live in Denmark (+1 hour GMT) I am playing on your Deathrun server in the afternoons in the weekdays, and I allways join the server in the weekends

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?

I only play on your Deathrun server(s) and they are among other things the reason to why I try to be admin (cause the deathrun servers are OP funny)

- Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)

I have a microphone, but a rarly use it, cause I prefer writing. If you say I shall use my mpcrophone instead, I will do so J

- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator

this is my first time, but I have played a lot on your deathrun server and seen, how the admins treat players, that don’t follow the rules (if that counts)

Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?

No I don’t

- Why should we choose you to be part of our team?

I will not mess around with the commands, or the rules, and I will treat otherplayers equal to myself (just because im admin, does it not mean that I am better then them)

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.
I will make sure to give other players a good experience, by kicking the ones, that voice span and chatspam (first I will give them warnings ofc) then I will kick them if they continue to give other playsers a bad experience. I will also make sure cheaters get slayed, if they for an example bhop over active traps. I will make sure to tell them what they have done wrong, and help them understand the rules. I will give them warnings before I kick or mute (ofc)
Everything is stated above. You may reapply when you have met the requirements of 3 days playtime.

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