Invalid Admin Application (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Aug 14, 2016
- Your name and/or nickname
My name is Connor, But people adress me by Hatless or Hat most of the time.

- Your age
I am currently 17 years old

- Who gave you permission to apply? (applies to applicants under 15 or those who apply for servers not listed in the "Available positions" thread)

- Your Steam32 ID (this is not simply a profile link. Look up what it is and how to get it; simply posting what you think it is makes you seem unprofessional)
Here: STEAM_0:1:65757231

- Your general online times and your timezone
I am online after 15:30 during the normal week (Monday-friday), On saturday and sunday however, I'm online all day.

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?
My main ''goal'' here is to apply for the Saxton Hale servers, But if there is a report for another and none is available i'll be more than happy to help out there.

- Do you have a microphone? (This is a minimum requirement for Jailbreak admins)
Yes, A high quality one.

- Your previous experience as Admin or Moderator
I was an admin on a server called Dispenzors Fun Server, But i didn't make the cut for the new admins the year after (I have no idea why though)

- Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?
Yes, I know a lot of the commands.

- Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
I'm always willing to help out, I follow the rules correctly and i dont tend to break them.

- Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.
For example, If someone breaks a rule and the punishment is a ban, I'll ban them, no questions asked no discussions made.

Thank you for reading! I hope i'll be a helping hand on the servers
This application is invalid as you have not required the right amount of playtime on VSH to be able to apply (3 days is the amount you need)

This application will be closed, you can apply again when you have reached the minimum playtime of 3 days.

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