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  1. V

    Accepted Unmute & Ungag appeal (Both Permanent and outdated)

    Little extra info; I got banned for 24hours for having a different nickname on the server ("You fucking serious?") - due to communicating with nickname and breaking my gag and mute (that's the reference of ruining my experience on the server) - I changed name before joining and the name was a...
  2. V

    Accepted Unmute & Ungag appeal (Both Permanent and outdated)

    Firstly the Mute information SourceBans Ban URL: Name of your Banned Steam Account: lil' 膣スレイヤーキング Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:0:18908862 Date and Time of the Ban...
  3. V

    Accepted report against vulp_

    I'm trying to take this report seriously because of two important points that Spike here seem to have overlooked/left out; 1. Spike was harassing Zomaxx with constant sniping and other various rude ways of killing a specific person, while also leaving a comment everytime, to salt the wound. 2...