Search results

  1. octopussy<3

    Declined Guardban

    Name of your Banned Steam Account: octopussyღ Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:0:737886597 Date and Time of the Ban: Sorry, i think 3 days ago, i don't remember! Reason about the Ban: Mass freekilling (4 people) Admin that Banned you: I don't know! Why should you...
  2. octopussy<3

    Invalid Octo help!

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for a recent incident involving a mass freekill, where I unintentionally caused harm to four players due to issues related to my ping. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest regret for any inconvenience or...
  3. octopussy<3

    Answered Guards ban

    Can some one can help me, where i can see how long is my guard ban?