Search results

  1. AptalStabber

    Declined Exploiting Farming points

    Steam name: UberMedicFully Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:182439451 [U:1:364878902] 76561198325144630 Server: Freak Fortress 2 #13 Links: Sourcebans : Sourcecomm ...
  2. AptalStabber

    Accepted Player Reports; Offensive language; Exploiting

    It's funny how it's the most toxic player of the server who is reporting everyone. Crying about the little message mr pootis sent you when you was telling him he was a child etc and you blocked him when he was considering you like a real friend. Saying "offensive language" when you are perma...
  3. AptalStabber

    Declined Ungag Appeal

    I were on the server and Zack and an other guy was really talking about bosses, there wasn't any offense or anything, this gag is clown tier, imagine being gagged because you are speaking about the boss "Painis Cupcake" it would be crazy right ? Thats the same thing here, absolutely unbeliveable