Recent content by Xividderrino

  1. Xividderrino

    Show your Desk

    mine looks shit compared to yours :/
  2. Xividderrino

    Player report

    this is probably cocainum christmas right?(i think. If im wrong dont read more) if you want to know this "exploit" was there long ago but not many people knows about it and it would be fine if someone could fix this
  3. Xividderrino

    Should i go left when there is nothing right? Or should i go right when there is nothing left?

    Should i go left when there is nothing right? Or should i go right when there is nothing left?
  4. Xividderrino

    Declined Map sugestionn (dr_workplace)

    This actually looks pretty good :) i would play on a map like this but i hope it is much longer
  5. Xividderrino

    introducing myself

    Hi im a long existing (like 2-3 years maybe more, with some breaks for my life) player of panda who finally made an account.You can refer to me as Xivid in short. I play a lot of tf2 mostly on db(i used to play ff and dr but it went boring), i like food, i have never seen a comic in my hands but...