Recent content by TriiX

  1. TriiX

    Completed add back deathrun maps

    @An0n i played more dr than your total hours in every game on steam, sit furry
  2. TriiX

    stop removing completely fine deathrun maps

    all in all... i wouldnt remove maps jsut cuz people vote for "remove" clearly mlg_bearun was popular otherwise it woudnt have been chosen and nominated by people, the votes on a thread are dumb anyways because some people dont even see it/ dont care... i would only find enjoyment on mlg_bearun...
  3. TriiX

    stop removing completely fine deathrun maps

    love how the server got popular for the reason that it has bhop and now they remove certain maps for that, why not just make the cooldown for some maps longer so people dont have to deal with certain maps every 2 hours
  4. TriiX

    Panda Community Selfie Thread

    enjoy my beautiful filtered face
  5. TriiX

    It's been fun! (Resignation)

    <3 :)
  6. TriiX

    Describe In One Word

  7. TriiX

    Accepted Perma-Ban Appeal

    i was there when he got banned, he was pretty annyoing prolly due to the fact that most admins (at that time) didnt like him because of his "idgaf additude" but as time goes on he got more mature, cares more about his playstyle and is a really good player. ive seen him on other jailbreak servers...
  8. TriiX

    Declined add weapons to deathrun

    add weapons, yes but also restrict the ones giving u an advantage such as rocket jumping and all that bs... id say since its a lot of work just restrict every weapon from shooting and slowly add some that can shoot that have no difference on the player (shotgun, pistol etc.) and remove the...
  9. TriiX

    Declined Disallowing alternate Accounts on MGE-Servers

    i dont care about points rly, 2nd accounts are okay too unless u are avoiding a punishment
  10. TriiX

    Accepted Magglet's Admin Application

    if u wanna drag it on feel free to add me but the excuse of reporting many people and having a few flaws in them is bullshit lol. even calling him hacker in chat and such even tho u got no evidence what so ever, u shouldnt jsut report people cuz they act like hackers. if i were u id so some...
  11. TriiX

    Accepted Magglet's Admin Application

    you shouldnt think about becoming an admin if you dont have gamesense or can tell if someone is hacking or nah. jsut throwing that out there
  12. TriiX

    Dauntless Closed Beta Access Giveaway

    winner: Mr.Fluffy gratz ill contact u with the deets
  13. TriiX

    Dauntless Closed Beta Access Giveaway

    Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo If u are interested in gaining access to the closed beta of DAUNTLESS. As written above u will be granted a Slayer-Tier Founder's Pack. First of all... please ONLY enter if u are actually interested in playing it or know what its about. Freshies can NOT...
  14. TriiX

    hit me with ur steamID u have until Sunday

    hit me with ur steamID u have until Sunday