Recent content by Spindel

  1. Spindel

    Merry Christmas!

    love you kevin(no homo), also merry (late) christmas
  2. Spindel

    Steam game raffle!

    Koromo Amae is a pretty good loli
  3. Spindel

    Steam game raffle!

    I like cheese in my kebab.
  4. Spindel

    hOI I'm spindel

    Hello I'm spindel, I study basic computer stuff and is the laziest person ever. I like to watch animes, browse meme sites and play video games (mainly tf2) on my freetime... Well thats too be honest is everything that I have to say about myself. Hope too see you people ingame someday :P
  5. Spindel

    FoG Raid forsenPls

    he is a dank memer tbh