Recent content by {REDACTED}


    Declined Mute Appeal

    Name of your Banned Steam Account: {REDACTED} Steam ID 32: STEAM_0:1:92049297 Date and Time of the Ban: 01/26/22 4:07 pm EST Reason about the Ban: (Racism) Admin that Banned you: TR something cant remember. Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag / mute / teamban: Had just joined the...

    Invalid Got muted for 12 hours for (Racism)

    Had just joined the server and playing around as usual, i said man look at these n and then cut off my mic, i was "warned" but i didnt hear him cause he didnt say it in chat, he only said it in voice but all the other blues were talking, i did it again a couple of mins later and got muted. he...