Recent content by polskacebula

  1. polskacebula

    Accepted Ok this is the 2nd one I did it properly now

    SourceBans Ban URL: Name of your Banned Steam Account:Gabęn was the best Steam ID STEAM_0:0:174767867 Date and Time of the Ban: 2020-08-15 23:04:39 Reason about the Ban:it said...
  2. polskacebula

    Invalid ive been banned and I don't know why

    duplicate account? the hell i have 2 k hours on this
  3. polskacebula

    Invalid ive been banned and I don't know why

    sorry it was in 15.08 2020
  4. polskacebula

    Invalid ive been banned and I don't know why

    sorry for bad englisch , but few days back ivee joined a panda community server and i got banned I used a vpn back then I dont know why was i perma banned