Recent content by LottaFazion

  1. LottaFazion

    Completed [DR] Update dr_breadland_v2b to dr_breadland_v3a

    Hi, it's me the bread lady! Please update I added good things the list is stupidly long lol
  2. LottaFazion

    Declined [DR] Add dr_deez_nuts

    +1 skial skialed me
  3. LottaFazion

    Declined [DR] Add Dr_Among_Us to DR

    Hello there! I'm Lotta, the funny breadland mapper. I recently made this new map for deathrun. It's a map about among us (I mean, come on. Somebody had to make it eventually). If you're curious about the appearance, I designed it in the mindset of an among us cursed world, which is what gives...