Recent content by kszygenda

  1. kszygenda

    VSH Balancing and Suggestions: The Prelude

    Playing trolldier currently is a mosquito simulator. You go in, bite, and get out heal get ammo repeat. Altough it is fun to play it's really unfun to play against
  2. kszygenda

    VSH Balancing and Suggestions: The Prelude

    There's a lot of valid points made Abject, and mostly i agree with you. Im also a "returning veteran" And i used to play a lot on Lethal zone VSH servers and they had a lot of tweaks to each class to make them viable on their own and i think it's a good place to mention these. Brace yourself...
  3. kszygenda

    Pending [VSH] Mantreads nerf suggestion

    Manntreads currently allow you to become one of the most annoying thing hale is up against, and I think that they deserve a nerf. Trolldiers are like a mosquito, will bite you and gtfo, go to a med pack and come back again. Extra mobility is a key factor and should be reduced to about 30% (to...