Recent content by Blumberquack

  1. Blumberquack

    Completed [DR] Add Bhop Toggle to turn off the bhop and play normally like casual (3.0 suggestion)

    Ignore this, Mikey's right - it's holding the jump button that causes it, though I'm not sure how crouch walk bhopping is meant to work lol. I'm still in support of a toggle :)
  2. Blumberquack

    Completed [DR] Add Bhop Toggle to turn off the bhop and play normally like casual (3.0 suggestion)

    ...that's not the problem at all, we're not even trying to bhop. If you jump onto a platform and hold crouch while landing (very easy to do when you're jumping up onto a platform), you slide forward. It's fine for most maps but when you've got to be precise/go upward it's a pain in the neck
  3. Blumberquack

    Declined Remove Bhop From Deathrun

    Agree, but for me it's because the current bhop actively sabotages my own gameplay by making me slide when landing while crouched. I can't tell you if the bhop plugin is what's causing this, but honestly that's the main reason I don't play on panda's DR servers lol, it's just annoying :p
  4. Blumberquack

    Accepted Blumberquack's Sprayban Appeal

    Name of your Banned Steam Account: Blumberquack Steam ID 32 (How to get your Steam ID 32: Click here): STEAM_0:1:32359526 Date and Time of the Ban: Yesterday (no specific time since it's a sprayban) Reason about the Ban: For a spray that was wrongly linked to my name Admin that Banned you: Fredo...