Recent content by Avenger

  1. Avenger

    READ ME Invitations

    C7465 is now used ;)
  2. Avenger


    I have to agree with @EvoWarrior5 ...trying not to be biased ofc :p I'll just say, you did what was neccessary, dealt with the most stupid of people and problems and stepped up when needed :) You did good kid ;) Everything that has a begining, has an end....and thats not always a bad thing :) <3
  3. Avenger

    The beach is could you |O.O| I was gonna say "I hope the sea washes away your...

    The beach is could you |O.O| I was gonna say "I hope the sea washes away your lappy"...but that would be harsh ;)
  4. Avenger

    Recent Purchases Thread

    Today, I bought 2 cupcakes made by Primary School kids, a hotdog and a Cheeseburger ::P:: Didn't like the feel or flexibilty of the mouse then @Kevin ?
  5. Avenger

    What's your height?

    1.90m(ish) iirc ~ 6'3" And I am your right hand man ;)
  6. Avenger

    Maybe its floating around in the depths of cyberspace :P

    Maybe its floating around in the depths of cyberspace :P
  7. Avenger

    The IT Technicians Worst Nightmare...

    Any other tech's out there will definitely appreciate this and other computer literate peeps :confused:
  8. Avenger

    Walrus Stories

    @TreatFly I'm currently an XL Cheeseburger and trying to gain another 2 sizes by Easter to get to an XXL Double Cheeseburger. I'm gonna be out of @Joe 's league very shortly ;) Also...