People receiving their Donator. (1 Viewer)

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Aug 10, 2019
Look... I, and I'm sure of many others, would love to get their donator status and perms. I have heard people have been waiting months and months for something to go through.
I would love for something to start taking place.
I'm making this a public to make this issue more public.
Unfortunately everything is up to Kevin(the owner) and it has been a known issue... for years.
You will get your donator when Kevin wakens from his slumber.
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I wish more people spoke up about this issue, admins particularly. Nothing's going to change if just one person talks about this once every few months.
I wish more people spoke up about this issue, admins particularly. Nothing's going to change if just one person talks about this once every few months.
Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Yes, he has an obligation to grant Donator to those who pay accordingly, but he has a life outside Panda.
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Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Yes, he has an obligation to grant Donator to those who pay accordingly, but he has a life outside Panda.
And people like you need to stop defending Kevin. An automatic donator system has been talked about for years and it still hasn't happened. It's easy to at least set up a bot that accepts keys and grants donator status.
And people like you need to stop defending Kevin. An automatic donator system has been talked about for years and it still hasn't happened. It's easy to at least set up a bot that accepts keys and grants donator status.
it is also easy for those bots to be targets to some non friendly people who try to abuse it by some glitch/bug etc.
I wish more people spoke up about this issue, admins particularly. Nothing's going to change if just one person talks about this once every few months.
Speaking for the JB team, we believe it to be an area that is sorely lacking, every major community has automated donations and I think the attitude surrounding people asking for their perks (rightfully so) is just maddening, admins before me have talked about this and admins after me will. We urge @Kevin to find a solution ASAP.

I would also like to take this opportunity for everyone to please speak their mind about this and air their grievances since the thread I linked is pretty old.
Enough is Enough.

These individuals are giving you REAL money in order to assist the servers to keep on going, atleast hold yourself accountable to the base level of degree and give people their donor status in a reasonable timeframe. If you cannot do that i'm not sure why we are even accepting donations in the first place?
And people like you need to stop defending Kevin. An automatic donator system has been talked about for years and it still hasn't happened. It's easy to at least set up a bot that accepts keys and grants donator status.
correct cause i cannot code it myself and Ron is being occupied elsewhere.
What about giving permissions for fulls, or even just Madact to handle donors
Or commissioning someone to code a bot for you with the donation money

These would go a long way in alleviating the current situation
What about giving permissions for fulls, or even just Madact to handle donors
Or commissioning someone to code a bot for you with the donation money

These would go a long way in alleviating the current situation
sure if every month is covering the server costs i can take the excess to hire someone to develop something but since this isnt the case we're here :)
I think more people would be more willing to donate if they knew their donation perks would be received in a reasonable timeframe and you could get closer to covering your server costs no?
I think more people would be more willing to donate if they knew their donation perks would be received in a reasonable timeframe and you could get closer to covering your server costs no?
like i said - since there's no coder currently around this is something in the pipeline but without any actual timeframe.
Okay sure, gotcha. What im just not getting here is the fact that you do not reliquinish any sort of server control to anybody else if you are cannot actively update servers/give people donator.

Im not talking about full admins, Im talking about people Like Madact or Semicolon Backslash, two individuals who have been ride or die panda for YEARS. Why not give them access to this sort of stuff so you can spread the load a bit?

Is this stemming from Operation Panda all those years ago? Is it that unreasonable to give trust to people who have been contributing to your server for more than half a decade?
Okay sure, gotcha. What im just not getting here is the fact that you do not reliquinish any sort of server control to anybody else if you are cannot actively update servers/give people donator.

Im not talking about full admins, Im talking about people Like Madact or Semicolon Backslash, two individuals who have been ride or die panda for YEARS. Why not give them access to this sort of stuff so you can spread the load a bit?

Is this stemming from Operation Panda all those years ago? Is it that unreasonable to give trust to people who have been contributing to your server for more than half a decade?
cause then first of all it needs to be verified through Madact for example is the donation through when did who pay with what and so forth.
doesnt make the process easier just maybe a bit quicker if even.

i can also go the route in nuking donations completely and force all to watch ads if thats your wish, sure.
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force all to watch ads if thats your wish, sure.
and end up like blackwonders nightmare of a website? no thanks.

Still, would really help the community out if there was a couple of individuals that you trusted to have access to serverfiles so that maps/plugins could be updated in a more reasonable timeframe other once every 3/4 months. Is that a big ask?
sure if every month is covering the server costs i can take the excess to hire someone to develop something but since this isnt the case we're here :)
I'm assuming those donations you received are covering the server cost? If that is the case then are you also paying these servers out of pocket?

Over the course of 6 years, there is no automatic donor system and people are reluctant to even donate to you since you won't give them their perks in a timely fashion. Its either a 50/50 that they will get their perks in time (Less than a month) or wayyy too long (Over 3 months). When you donate and they are expecting perks, you have turned that donation into a service. Its basically a monthly subscription for perks you receive on the server.

If you offered a better donor service (Aka A donor system that grants people their donor in a timely fashion), then you would have more donations rolling in. Those donations could potentially cover your service cost. You can't wait for people to just suddenly splurge their money on donations just because they want a donor system to happen. YOU need to make that happen. If you find a system that works, I can guarantee you that people are willing to donate to your servers. This is the whole point of why loans exist (Basic economics). You take out money to potentially earn more money (Like starting a business). Then after you earn enough money then you can pay back the loan and start seeing money rolling in.

i can also go the route in nuking donations completely and force all to watch ads if thats your wish, sure.
Congratulations! You killed your servers.
Actual serious note, you can keep donations up. The problem is that you are offering them a service rather than a donation.

And people like you need to stop defending Kevin.
This is the most unfortunate cases that happens when it comes to this. I know certain individuals will just defend Kevin's action to the brink of death and ignore the biggest problems that outlay pandas problem as a whole. The best that you and we can do is keep speaking out on the issue.
and end up like blackwonders website? no thanks.

Still, would really help the community out if there was a couple of individuals that you trusted to have access to serverfiles so that maps/plugins could be updated in a more reasonable timeframe other once every 3/4 months. Is that a big ask?
see thats my point too hence it isnt like that.

you're completely going out of topic here as this server related stuff has nothing to do with donators.

i've told ron to review this thread and leave his thoughts on it but like i said i have him occupied with other tasks for my company which have more priority as this is paying the bills :)
if someone wants to volunteer in developing everyone is free to contact me.

we've made a donation panel a few years ago which is used for the handeling but its in neither way automated yet - its planned but time is limited as explained above.
Well, I appreciate you being transparent at the very least.

Thanks for your time.
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