Accepted Another admin app attempt (1 Viewer)

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Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
Staff member
Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
Denzel Crocker

Steam32 ID
[this is NOT a profile link; you can find out how to get your steamID here: ]


Your age

Current playtime on relevant server(s)
Just over 16 days worth of playtime

Link to your Sourcebans record

Only "ban" I've ever gotten was a false detection of aimbot which was quickly fixed.

(If relevant) Who gave you permission to apply?
Didn't need.

Server you are applying for
Panda-community US | Jailbreak

General online times & time zone
Any day, although some days I can only be on after 9:00pm PST (12:00 AM EST).

Do you have a working microphone?
(This is required for Jailbreak admins)


Previous experience as Admin or Moderator
(Mostly in games, other experience is valid if sufficiently relevant)

I used to be an admin for War3Evo for

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?
(Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.)

Not turning this into an essay this time because it's not worth the time and ya'll don't want me to turn this into an essay. Ya'll have heard me ramble about my experience as War3Evo moderator so I'll skip that. To make a long story short:

First posted adminapp (October 2021) got declined because I had little experience. Second adminapp (February 2022) was deemed invalid. Third adminapp (April 2022), the criticism I received made me realize I was too "safe" and didn't try to exit my comfort zone. Fourth adminapp (May 2022), I got mostly positives UP until a few stuff ruined it (COUGHhorriblecringyhumanreportCOUGH), HOWEVER, the cringy report I made did teach me what's worth reporting and what isn't, and how to better make and handle reports. Fifth adminapp (August 2022) I withdrew from after people told me I had the opposite problem of being TOO strict and rule-obsessed.

For the past few months in between my last adminapp and this one, I have tried to level myself off and come to a compromise where I can still remind people of the rules without coming off a buzzkill rule obsessor. My compromise, in my head, was to only remind people of rules if it would actually impend or affect the round in a negative way (EX: a BLU decides to do cell wars when there isn't 3 or less BLUS), or cause serious trouble or toxicity within the chat or voicechat; if it's something trivial that doesn't really affect the round, I'd stay quiet UNLESS it became persistent to give them a chance to think for themselves.

I really feel like I'm I can actually do this this time without coming off as an annoying Jailbreak nanny and actually enjoy myself.

Punishment breakdown:

COMM PUNISHMENTS - Racism/Slurs/Insults/Advertising/Overall toxic behaviour:
Clear warnings unless severe enough
- 120 mins (2 hours) for first offense
- 360 mins (6 hours) for second offense
- 720 mins (12 hours) for third offense
- 1,440 mins (1 day) for fourth offense
- 10,080 mins (1 week) for fifth offense
- 43,200 mins (1 month) for sixth offense
- Permanent for seventh offense

- Freekilling/Favoritism/Inactivity/Illegal FF/Illegal Freedays/Armory Camping/Round Stalling

--- A clear warning for the first offense, then slay if it persists.
--- 360 mins (6 hours) for second offense
--- 720 mins (12 hours) for third offense
--- 1,440 mins (1 day) for fourth offense
--- 10,080 mins (1 week) for fifth offense
--- 43,200 mins (1 month) for sixth offense
--- Permanent for seventh offense
- Mass Freekilling (MFK):
4,320 (3 days) for first offense
--- 10,080 mins (2 weeks) for second offense
--- 43,200 mins (1 month) for third offense
--- Permanent for fourth offense

Slay, and a clear warning for first offense
- 360 mins (6 hours) for second offense
- 720 mins (12 hours) for third offense
- 1,440 mins (1 day) for fourth offense
- 10,080 mins (1 week) for fifth offense
- 43,200 mins (1 month) for sixth offense
- Permanent for seventh offense

Permanent as soon as I catch it, no exceptions

Clear warning, then name change if the rulebreaker doesn't comply.

- A clear warning to change it, and if that doesn't happen, then an indefinite sprayban until the player has changed it.

Other useful information:

- @Semicolon Backslash
- @OpenDanger
- @crubf
- @Cridove
- @Coal
- @Kazzy
For the past few months in between my last adminapp and this one, I have tried to level myself off and come to a compromise where I can still remind people of the rules without coming off a buzzkill rule obsessor. My compromise, in my head, was to only remind people of rules if it would actually impend or affect the round in a negative way (EX: a BLU decides to do cell wars when there isn't 3 or less BLUS), or cause serious trouble or toxicity within the chat or voicechat; if it's something trivial that doesn't really affect the round, I'd stay quiet UNLESS it became persistent to give them a chance to think for themselves.
To add onto this, my desire to be admin stems from the amount of freekillers and other rulebreakers that continue to plague the server, where I feel helpless to stop the drama and make the server a peaceful area to play and have fun. Being admin would allow me to have a feeling of being able to keep the peace and allow everyone to have fun.
  • Optimistic
Reactions: _Black
In my opinion, in the past, you used to harp on blues who made the smallest mistakes. This disrupted the comedic flow that I enjoyed so much while playing on Panda. Though during your recent gameplay sessions, I have found that your advice to rule-breaking blues feels much more natural. With all that in mind, I hope you get accepted
First off I need to commend you for changing like 50 different things about yourself over the past year. I don't really have much to hold against you aside from some cringeworthy forum suggestions which I know your trying to avoid doing stuff like that anymore. I ain't super active on the server so maybe my vote isn't 100% indicative of whats actually happening but from what I can see you've greatly improved over your last few applications, I think you would be fine as an admin as long as you keep doing as your doing.

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Reactions: Nergal Nergalton
I cannot judge your ingame behaviour since we met eachother only once. But seeing how you changed over the months from when you first applied to now, it is very commendable to see you take criticism to heart and doing something about it. You made numerious suggestions at some point with almost all of them being shit, but not something worth holding against you since you ended up stopping making them. Even after you get accepted, try not to be overly strict with the rules as that it would ruin the setting of that server. But you seem to understand it very well now so it will probably be all good.

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Reactions: Nergal Nergalton
Not a lot of run ins on the server I have had to warn you once or twice other than that spot on lovely face when seen

With all feedback in, time to put this under review!

Any question or inactivity during under review please message me. Good luck ::):
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