Advertising hacks punishment (1 Viewer)

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Nov 8, 2014
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The thread ended up not working in the hidden section and honestly I just give in. So I'll make it public. Feel free to put your opinions players, but this will mainly be admin decision.

Copied from previous thread ;

I wanted to make it clear on what we think as a team is the correct punishment for advertising hacks.

Certain cases present of forced advertisement because they have a third party tool pushing it. So I am hoping we can all agree that this is a permanent ban.

But there is also another case where users 'joke' bind advertise the hack client. Now of course this should not be tolerated, but what is the correct punishment? Should the user be treated like the same as a forced advertisement hack client? Or should they instead receive a long gag or shorter ban than a permanent.

Poll above, please vote.
Is this one bugged too?
@Kevin This thread is apparently bugged; Madact is unable to edit it, and other gameserver admins and lower ranks are unable to post and/or vote on the poll.

For some reason I am able to post while others cannot. Does my forum account possibly have an extra thing that might've slipped by un-noticed?
Some users are noting that they are able to vote if they switch the forum to the mobile-friendly version.
How do we know if the advertisement is a joke. Because regardless, the said individual who's doing it is still advertising a cheat? so in my opinion. It should be treated fairly as a perm gag instead of a ban or a temporary gag, If they are to remove the perm gag, That should be the option of higher staff to decide.
I know people will disagree, But i thought it would be appropriate to give my opinion on this matter.
I think a permanent ban is a little unfair.

Yes, they're advertising third party tools, but they're not using it.

Usually, when a player advertises hacks, it's in spam form and the player is sometimes using a hack.
Others, well, just do it to get banned on purpose...

Apparently, advertising hacks is strictly forbidden and the punishment is a permanent ban.

Should the player just receive a long ban (a week)? As i mentioned above, the player may also be using a hack and return to the server. (I've seen a hacker who has joined multiple times and turned their hacks on and off from time to time).
In most cases, the player will most likely never return after a ban since they're just there to spam binds. I hardly think most of the players target communities; just clicks on random servers on the search menu and do what they want to do.

The permanent gag would also be suitable since the player can't spam their bind. But the player can also hack.

Or just apply the perm gag and week ban together :D
I can't edit my last post, but I've started to think about the temp ban and perm gag.

Everything stays the same as I said above, but I think it's better to leave it as a long gag. A week would be good.
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I think a long gag (3-7) days would suffice, most players are unaware that it's against the rules in the first place. This would make a perm ban pretty harsh.

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I usually just permaban players who advertises cheats in the first place, making them having to appeal on the forums if they want their ban lifted.
But I would have no problem if it changed to gagging the player instead, if the poll so decides that.
I think this >"Get Good Get LMAOBOX BEST FREE TF2 HACKS" will be seen as an advert for lmaobox, but will this > "Git full Git LUNCHBOX BEST FREE TF2 SNACKS" won't be seen as an ad right or will it also be seen as an ad?

But yea, a 1week gag would prob be great.
Advertisement is advertisement. I don't think it matters if it's done to actually advertise or just for fun. The point in advertising is to get others to IE go on their website and try the product. To me, BOTH "ways" are advertising and advertising hacks get's punished
I think it was a perma ban
. It both deserves the same punishment since advertising is advertising, no matter what. Saying the normal LMAOBOX phrase get's punished. Saying it for fun, BUT WITH THE SAME WORDS (or some variation), deserves to get punished exactly the same, doesn't it?

Normal guy saying the phrase: perma banned.
Normal guy saying the phrase for fun: Should only get a 3 day gag?
It's the same phrase.

And like @superfart435, saying "Git full Git LUNCHBOX BEST FREE TF2 SNACKS" isn't advertising hacks, that's just a TF2 meme.
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