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  1. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Class Chaos LR

    The classwars incident (Good Ending)
  2. Cowboy

    Accepted Order Corn report

    Player has been punished. thanks!
  3. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Tighter clarification on Trivia/Jeopardy rules and restrictions on Mass Trivia

    Honestly just add a "no obscure/opinionated questions" to the trivia terminology and call it a day. If people throw a fit send them to the gallows where they belong. That's really the only thing people are upset about anyways. Just solve the problem at its root rather than finding loopholes to...
  4. Cowboy

    Declined [JB] Admin Application 2

    I don't see much effort in this application and your playtime is low. -1
  5. Cowboy

    Accepted Report

    Accepted, thanks for the report.
  6. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Tighter clarification on Trivia/Jeopardy rules and restrictions on Mass Trivia

    Hi guys, maybe i can help out with this discussion using my previous experience. Pretty common knowledge but i'm formerly from blackwonder and played there for multiple years before transitioning to Panda. Their current rules based on trivia is exactly what is being proposed on this thread...
  7. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Tighter clarification on Trivia/Jeopardy rules and restrictions on Mass Trivia

    as somebody who has been adminstrating for panda for years now i can tell you that mass trivia usually devolves into mass delay/accidental freekilling majority of the time.
  8. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Anti-AFK plugin for JB.

    Name them here and stand on buisness
  9. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Anti-AFK plugin for JB.

    No brainer and confused why we've never had this in the first place. 30 minutes would be a good start!
  10. Cowboy

    Declined Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    Before I preface what I'm about to say I want to say that I was on the side of accepting your appeal so what I am about to say isn't coming from a place that harbors any resentment towards you individually as a person. Saying that, I...
  11. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Re-add jb_maxsec_v2efix

    has any of the issues forwarded by semi in this post been improved since this was removed? i am not supporting adding a map outside of the rotation just because its out of the rotation and you've compared it to very abysmal...
  12. Cowboy

    Pending kry's application.

    Hello Kry. I think this application is a great start but seems to be a little too short and doesn't give us a clear way of knowing on how you'd punish people/handle situtions. Take a look at some other accepted applications in the archive and provide a punishment ladder. We arent looking for a...
  13. Cowboy

    Pending Hehe Troll's Admin App. nr. 7! (wowie)

    Tried to warn you that applying might be not in your best interest but i appreciate the attempt nontheless. Your growth is tremoundous but our current batch of applicants have a much stronger case than you do. -1
  14. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback Re-work on Overtalk Plugin

    damn sis is straight up COOKING!!! My thoughts exactly.
  15. Cowboy

    Awaiting Feedback Re-work on Overtalk Plugin

    It's extremely hard to look for "perfect" solutions. Let me read your full post and try to understand all your points so i can make sure your original opinion is understood and heard before i tell you my side. This is a pretty tough problem to tackle because you are entirely valid in your...
  16. Cowboy

    Under Review Admin Application woah..

    Answers were good. Thank you very much for taking the time to address each one and answering. I responded to your application the last out of this batch because i wanted to take some time and gather my thoughts. Your situation is quite peculiar with a lot of history behind it. You were an admin...
  17. Cowboy

    Accepted Cleetus's Ban appeal

    Howdy Cleetus So heres the deal. You cannot just break server rules just because you are in a discord call with another individual and i think thats a pretty known concept. Just because your friend says it okay doesnt mean you can just freekill him. If i were just allow you to do what you guys...
  18. Cowboy

    Under Review Admin Application

    As happy i am with the community giving support towards _Black i'd prefer if you guys just send us a message privately rather than posting it on his application as it can make the whole thread messy. _Black, You've been in this community for a ungodly amount of time and i'm impressed with your...
  19. Cowboy

    Under Review Mehgend's Application

    Good answers to the questions. Going through your chatlogs and looking at your overall behavior i think you are a very standout regular. I can't remember you ever causing issues and you've always been a charming person to talk to. You are knowledgeable about the rules and i can see that you are...
  20. Cowboy

    Declined Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    The answers you gave were the ones i was looking for, thank you for taking the time to answer them. So heres where i am at, You have a lot of potential and you have a good head on your shoulders and you have the experience to back it up. I really dont have any issues with who you are...