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  1. Jack8t

    Answered A server with Casual maps like payload,koth,ctp?

    Hello, I was wondering if panda had a casual server that had payload,koth,ctp maps in a rotation system?
  2. Jack8t

    Accepted Another tiny person screaming for attention + Man yelling in chat

    Steam Name: ManotheMystic Steam ID32: STEAM_0:1:419550283 Server: NY JB Rules Broken: Deadtalking, Insulting Steam Name: Derpface139 Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:419336675 Server: NY JB Rules Broken: Caps Spamming Evidence is demo below
  3. Jack8t

    how to make gifs in signature less stretchy

    please someone help it looks so ridiculous
  4. Jack8t

    Tiny person screaming for attention.

    Steam name: Chicken Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:523620793 Server: Jailbreak NY Links: Rules broken: Micspam Evidence is the demo below
  5. Jack8t

    Hello fellow gamers

    Hi my name is rony and im pretty known for being a dumbass so sorry in advance lol
  6. Jack8t

    Accepted so uh take 2 i guess?

    Name of your Banned Steam Account: Jacket#8205 Date and Time of the Ban: Nov 28, 2019 Reason about the Ban: Shitposting. The admin that Banned you: Lighty Why should you receive a unban for the ban/gag/ mute: I and Vinny were having some dumb fun on the discord server and were told to stop by...
  7. Jack8t

    Declined I got banned.

    Name of your Banned Account: Jacket#1001 Date and Time of the Ban: Yesterday Reason about the Ban: Acting like a complete brainless idiot The admin that Banned you: Lighty Why should you receive a unban for the ban/gag/ mute: I was acting like a complete moron and spamming some inappropriate...