VSH/FF2 | Weapon Skins, Festivizers, Killstreaks (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
Hi, posting this on behalf of @real >:3.

On the VSH and FF2 servers there's a bug where you can't see your skins, festivizers or killstreaks on some weapons like mediguns, flareguns and a few others. It also happens with weapons of some bosses like Spyper, Hotline Sniper but not sure if there's way to fix that.

Don't have any screenshots of this bug but you'll notice it instantly when playing on VSH or FF2. Would be great if this was fixed in a future update.
Replaced Attributes. Which basically does this, removing your personal Attributes like as Strange kill counts, Spells, Killstreakers, Minimized viewmodels and such.
There may be a way to fix this but not important enough to take care of anyway as there are other things that needs to be taken care of. Im basically the only person that works on FF2 and VSH, so i dont think this will happen anytime soon unless someone wants to give a hand and do it that have experience in Sourcepawn.
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