Declined Unteamban Appeal (1 Viewer)

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Apr 23, 2021
Banned account: p_ng
Steam ID:
Date of ban: Unknown, it was long ago
Why I was banned: MFK
Admin that banned you: Unknown
Why i should be unbanned: I have fixed up on my actions that I have previously done before when I was being stupid. I hope to never do the stuff I have done in the past again.

@Gold hi feedback here or in private kthxbye
Although it's now close to a year. I won't be accepting this. Between march 1st to march 10th of last year, you caused nothing but trouble during your time here. 3 previous comm blocks, 2 of which for racism/slurs. This was also the second time you've been banned for an mfk. The only way I would consider accepting this is if you were to show us you weren't going to cause any problems. As of now, only 3 hours of total connection time and you haven't joined since making the appeal.
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