The NOT deserved nerf (1 Viewer)

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Jun 28, 2016
That's it lads, MLG Sniper got nerfed as you may know already.
He no longer gets the Awper Hand on rage, just the bare melee. The single question WHY, why did he got nerfed?

He already was a balanced-weak boss. Without the Awper he is just the version of Foxy with 2 lives. Did he got another boost that I am missing?

On other hand and on a different boss, why did NinjaSpy lost 1 of his lives? He was supposed to have 3 without it even the already weak MLG Sniper is better than it.
MLG sniper, blinding and fear rage + superjump + prettymuch instakill non overhealed classes + 2 lives wich causes him to fly around instakill tping everything

Pyrogirl shortass range + no uber and flaregun plus small long cd superjump
Cuddlyheavy only gets a bow when raging plus medium superjump
foxy medium superjump plus global screen rage + fear
ect ect

MLG being weak as hell with his AWP is just straight up BS imo
the way he is now he has plenty of chance of beating the enemy team
That his AWP shouldof been removed could be questionable but that he was a weakass boss when he still had his AWP is quite silly to think imo
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Still, MLG's melee does only 195 while other bosses do +300 (as Ass Pancakes) while the stun has a low range, as well as meeting overhealed classes would be your doom, not gonna go with the 600 hp Heavy but hell...

This now is more personal rage now, but if they had time to make a "balanced" boss as him weaker, why not nerf Chuck, the MAD Spies or Heffe instead :///
jeffe should just be removed
Jjextreme22, you are a very observant man.

MLG Sniper was already a lower-tier boss. Not as underpowered as Foxy, or Cuddly, but still pretty lacking when compared to mid-tier bosses like Piss Cakehole, and Gentlespy. Given that he has a short stun radius, less health, and a shorter-than-usual timeslow when losing a life, giving him a stronger rifle might have been the better idea.

As for the Ninjaspy, I think taking one of his lives away is a silly blunder. On 99% percent of the servers that have Ninjaspy as a boss he has 3 lives and it works flawlessly. It's his "thing" to have 3 lives, it's what makes him so iconic among the other bosses. This change shifted him towards the low-tier bosses.

It's annoying to see mid-tier bosses being nerfed, while nothing is being done about the extremely high-tier Chuck, Heffe, Mimicer and MAD spies.

P.S: Sorry I'm late.
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