Accepted Stout's Admin Application (Again) (1 Viewer)

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Aug 24, 2014
-Real Name and Nickname:
My real name is Stefano, im from Italy and my Nickname is STOUT SHAKO FOR 2 REFINED.

Im 18 years old.

-Steam ID:

-Online times and Timezone:
- I'm online almost every day from 16:00 - 19:00 and 19:00 - 22:00/23:00(GMT+1). I can play from 16:00 - 22:00 if i dont have anything to do.

- Which of our servers do you usually play on and wish to apply for? Would you visit a broader range of servers in case of a report?
I play on Mario_Kart_Panda and sometimes on Saxton Hale's or Orange War3 servers;
I would like to apply for Mario_Kart_Panda server.
I can visit every server if someone reports a problem.

-Do you have a Microphone?

Previous experience in Admin/Mod:
Unfortunately I've never been an admin in Tf2.

Do you have experience with administrating with SourceMod?
- No.

Why should we choose you to be part of our team?
- I love the Mario Kart Panda Server and i love almost all players in the server.I hate when someone is doing someting wrong and no admin is online so i can't do anything (This is only a small example).

Please briefly explain how you would do your job:
I will warn 2 or 3 times if someone is not following the rules. I will punish the 3rd time.The punishment depends on what they were doing wrong; For example if someone is hacking i will instantban him. Spamming in chat or whit the mic will result in a mute or a gag after 2 warnings (with spamming in the chat/mic i mean insulting people, screaming kids and racist persons ecc...). I will also mute people if they aren't speaking english on the voice chat.

So i hope i will be accepted and thank you for reading this Application.
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I don't know if we need MK admins at the moment. Only Skiffa and Jarza can tell if you are eligible to be a part of the team.
Patience is a fucking virtue
I don't know why Skiffa and Jarza haven't replied yet.
I need to talk with skiffa about this, but she's offline right now. I'll reply as soon as we've made up our minds.
Welcome to the team!

Contact Kevin in Steam to set up your admin rights.
Also make sure that you have me and Skiffa in your contacts, since we will be your mentors.
Welcome to the team!

Contact Kevin in Steam to set up your admin rights.
Also make sure that you have me and Skiffa in your contacts, since we will be your mentors.
rights set and calladmin friends request sent, please accept it :pandastunned:
Do you want to know a funny thing?
I advised to Stout to try to apply.

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