Pyro and Soldier camping in FF2 (1 Viewer)

Spam Goose

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2017
Hello everyone, this is my first post so expect to be unorganized ;p
I've had a couple of questions or idea on the concept of pyros and soldiers camping.
Solder: this class seems a good idea for defending a heavy/ engi/ medic. Using the cow, battalions backup and whip, they can help out our friendly campers by using battalions backup right before boss rages to save their comrade. cow gives great knock back to save teammates too, and whip... for heavy speed. I've seen this happen before on barn night reworked with a soldier who got enough damage to get battalions backup ready, then sat in the top of the spawn with a heavy and a medic. the soldier use battalions backup to save the medic and heavy twice, gave enough damage reduction to save them from dying to boss. so now comes the question, can battalions backup solder camp with heavies, medics and engis, only if they have battalions backup and have it fully charged? also can they help a heavy to get from point A to Point B with whip, and defend them if needed?

Pyro: I know they can camp with phlog and engis, but can they camp by themselves or with a heavy/medic combo? I think it should be allowed because I've done this before with stock flamethrower and scorch shot, and the knock back and air blast saved them multiple times.

I want to see these allowed because these help the weakest character to rage, be able to live and get the most damage quickly. Heavy needs his help, and I think these 2 characters with the correct loadouts, should be able to help our sandvich eating friend.

(also tell me if I left anything out) :^)
I'd like others feedback on this too, this is a topic I've been wanting to talk about, so help or ideas are appreciated!

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