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Panda Community Jailbreak Rules
Table of contents:
1: Introduction
1a: Terms/shortcuts
1b: Minigames list
1c: Baiting list
2: Prisoners
2a: Prisoner rules/rights
2b: Rebeller rules/rights
2c: Freeday rules/rights
3: Guards
3a: Requirements
3b: Guard rules/rights
4: Warden
4a: Warden commands
4b: Warden rules/rights
5: Miscellaneous
5a: Map specific rules
5b: Banned minigames list
1: Introduction
Welcome to Panda Community jailbreak. If you are new, here is a brief summary of the gamemode. The red team consists of Prisoners who will either follow the directions of what the Warden tells them to do or take the path of a Rebeller and try to kill the Warden and his Guards. The blue team is made up of Guards whose job is to enforce what the Warden tells Prisoners to do and to protect the Warden. The selected Warden will force Prisoners to play a variety of minigames given on the map until there is only one non Rebelling Prisoner left alive who will receive a last request and a death request.1a: Terms/shortcuts
AFK stands for “away from keyboard.” If a Warden tells you to AFK freeze he wants you to remain still. However you may otherwise look around using your mouse unless told to face a certain direction. Taunting is considered AFK as long as the taunt loops without a natural ending. Swinging your melee is not considered AFK.
Freekill means an unjustified kill by the blue team. Please use the !call command to call in an admin if someone freekills on the server. Make sure there isn’t already an admin present.
KOS stands for “kill on sight.” This term is used by Guards to alert others that a Prisoner is Rebelling and is to be shot on sight.
LGKA stands for “last guard kills all.” When there is only one Guard left alive they must kill all Prisoners on sight and actively do so. This does not apply if the last alive Guard is the Warden.
FF stands for “friendly fire.” Friendly fire can only be turned on by the Warden with either !wmenu or !wff. The Warden will always need to give a heads up before activating friendly fire (at least 3 seconds.) Friendly fire may only be activated under the following circumstances:
- Cell Wars
- Meatgrinder
- When playing a minigame which necessitates Friendly Fire, such as Arena, Knife Pit, or Pool Arena
- Any custom last request which specifies FF must be enabled
- On "Minigame All Day" Last requests to speed up the round if necessary
LR stands for “last request.” A LR is given to the last non Rebelling Prisoner and will provide a variety of options that will carry over to the next round.
A LR must not break any of the rules like for example “mass freekill day” or “Warden must scream on mic.”
Last Requests may be combined by the recipient, provided they do not conflict in a major way (Such as Warday and Hunger Games)
If a custom LR is deemed unreasonable/embarrassing it can be denied by the Warden like for example “all day 360s jumping non stop” or “Warden must say mug moment after every command”
DR stands for “death request.” A DR is given to the last non Rebelling Prisoner as a way to end the round. Unlike LR this does not require the warden to be alive and a person receiving a DR could be a freeday for example.
A DR must take a maximum of 2 minutes starting when:
- The moment a red receives last request
- Or for when freedays are the last non rebelling reds
You can however ask Guards to participate in a DR if it doesn’t directly involve killing them like for example playing obstacle course or fall game. The Warden does not have to participate.
FF may be used during DR but the last red must specify if Guards can teamkill as this is the only instance where it can be allowed.
RPS stands for “rock paper scissors.” RPS is most commonly used as either a DR or an option for the last non Rebelling two Prisoners to decide who gets LR.
1b: Minigames list
Cell Wars is where the warden will enable friendly fire and ask you to kill your cellmates. You do not have to kill your cellmates unless the Warden specifically tells you to.
Cell Wars cannot be played if there were 4 or more Guards alive at the start of the round.
Cell Wars cannot be played as an LR.
If the cell doors open during cell wars it’s implied that Prisoners will stay inside of their cells.
Meatgrinder is a minigame where all Prisoners are in one (deemed) confined space that is not within the playable area of any minigame unless stated by a custom LR and FF is turned on.
Just like cell wars, meatgrinder cannot be played if there were 4 or more Guards alive at the start of the round.
Meatgrinder can also be played as an LR.
HHH day is when both Guards and Prisoners will spawn as the Headless Horseless Horseman. This is a free for all as FF will also be activated and the goal is simply kill other HHH until only one team has alive members. This is a LR only round.
Rapid Rockets day is when both Guards and Prisoners will spawn with valve rocket launchers (rapid firing one shot one kill launchers) and like HHH, is a free for all with FF turned on and the goal being kill others until one team is left alive. This is a LR only round.
Market Garden day is when both Guards and Prisoners will spawn with a Rocket Jumper and a Market Gardener. Like HHH and Rapid rockets day, is a free for all with FF turned on and the goal being to kill others until one team is left alive.
Hunger games “HG” is where FF will be turned on and red players have to fight each other for LR/DR.
The Warden can give orders like for example a safe area for guards or a time limit for Prisoners to return to the cell area to prevent delay.
They cannot however stop Hunger games until LR has been given. This is a LR only round.
Guards melee only day is when all Guards are forced to only have their respective melee weapons for the entire round. This is a LR only round.
Low gravity day is when the gravity is lowered for both Guards and Prisoners. It is otherwise a normal day. This is a LR only round.
Tiny mann day is when both Guards and Prisoners are shrunken to a tiny size. It is otherwise a normal day. This is a LR only round.
RTD day is a round where the !rtd command is enabled. It is otherwise a normal day. This is a LR only round.
Pokemon is when prisoners are split up into at least 2 teams and trainers from Guards are selected by the warden.
Once teams have been picked the teams will go into 1v1 battles. The last Pokemon alive will receive LR. This is a LR only round.
Hide and seek or “HNS” is when the Prisoners will hide and then the blues will seek them.
Prisoners have a minimum time to hide of 1 minute from cell doors opening, Guards cannot seek any later than 8:00.
Any prisoners found will be shot by the Guards and the last Prisoner alive will receive LR. This is an LR only round.
Warday is when Guards will gather in one area on the map while Prisoners grab ammo and attempt to kill the Guards.
The area Guards gather at cannot be in view of armoury or cell area, this is to give Prisoners a chance to grab ammo
Demomen are allowed to sticky trap the designated blue area.
No LR can be given this round as all prisoners will be KOS as soon as guards reach the designated location.
Guards cannot shoot or kill any Prisoners while outside of the area they are supposed to sit in until the map timer reaches 6:00 at which point they may seek the rest of the Prisoners.
However, Guards may shoot or kill any Prisoners who have left cells before cell doors have been opened and are on their path to the designated location.
Areas that teleport Guards are not a valid location as it encourages camping and is deemed unfair for the Prisoners. FF is not allowed during these days.
Warday may be initiated in one of two ways:
- Through Last Request.
- If there are 2 or less minutes remaining on the server map timer when the round starts, and there are no active last requests, Wardens have the option to initiate Warday. Wardens who wish to start Warday in this manner must do so as their first order.
Party Games is where the warden chooses minigames, and changes minigames once a single non-rebelling red dies, or a couple non-rebelling reds all die at the same time. The minigame picked must have an exit for the red team to be able to change minigames once some non-rebelling reds die.
Jeopardy is a quiz like game where the Warden or one of the guards he assigns will ask a series of questions the Prisoners will have to correctly answer. The warden can opt for any method they want but they must state rules for elimination prior to shooting any Prisoners.
Jeopardy can only be played in the maps defined "Trivia" area and must include the use of buttons to decide who will answer.
Questions asked must be of general knowledge as well as reasonable.
Kitchen/Theatre is where the Warden will ask the Prisoners to present a dish/performance. Afterwards the Warden and his Guards will vote on whether the Prisoner should live or not.
Unless stated otherwise before starting, a tie means the prisoner lives.
These games can only be played if there are 3 or more blues alive at the start of the game, if the number of blues falls under this threshold midway, it may continue.
Disco/Musical statues is where the Warden will play music and force Prisoners to constantly be moving on a dance floor until the Warden turns off the music. The last red still moving after music has ended will be KOS.
Simon says is a gamemode where the Prisoners have to follow "Simon AKA the Warden" to follow Simons orders, if the Prisoner fails to follow Simons order he will be killed. This is a LR only game.
Any other days unless specifically stated here are forbidden and cannot be done as a custom LR nor as active use in normal days. This includes orders like lava day, out of cell rebel day and so on.
1c Baiting list
Baiting is a guard bannable offense on this server. Baiting is when you provoke Prisoners to Rebel. Here below is a list of what we consider baiting.
- Heaving revving a minigun at Prisoners/Freedays
- Sniper aiming his sights at Reds/Freedays
- Engineers building dispensers that block Reds/Freedays
- Standing or running on top of Prisoners/Freedays
- Firing weapons excessively/dangerously close to Prisoners/Freedays randomly
- Entering a red only area in active use
- Entering a Prisoners/Freedays melee range
- Pyro airblasting
- Guards entering a cell while Prisoners are still inside
- Sniper/Scout/Pyro throwing Jarate/Milk/Gas Passer at Prisoners/Freedays.
2: Prisoners
2a: Prisoner rules/rights
Prisoners have the right to clear instructions. If the order wasn't clear enough Prisoners can ask for a repeat. Prisoners that ask for a repeat must remain AFK.
You can't ask for a repeat if the order was clear and already been said twice.
Prisoners have to follow the newest order even if that breaks the order given before by the Warden.
This also counts for Minigames, if the Warden wants you to play a minigame that requires you to break a order given before by him then you have the right to do disobey that order until that minigame ends.
Prisoners deserve a LR if they successfully followed every order and is the last Prisoner remaining, new orders to get the LR isn't allowed.
Prisoners have the rights on clear Orders, being tricked by the Warden is not allowed and you deserve to be called either: Reds, Prisoners or your Username.
Prisoners planning to earn LR may be considered KOS by the warden, or guards for trying to nitpick the warden.
This means when instructed to enter a minigame, you are expected go straight to the active/playing area of that minigame.
Prisoners are allowed to break any props, items or windows on the map including vents leading to armory unless instructed otherwise. If Prisoners go through any of these, or are found in an area which directly leads to armory they will be KOS.
Prisoners will only take orders from the Warden.
Prisoners who hit any Guards will get a Rebel status. Shocking any Sniper's razorback will also make a prisoner KOS.
Prisoners who heal a Rebeller will be considered a Rebeller themselves since they are assisting them.
Prisoners who block pathways into / out of armory, doorways of blue only areas, medic, put someone into a corner or any other closed off area will be classed as a Rebeller.
Cheating does not automatically make a Prisoner KOS. Warden has to state that cheating is not allowed if it is to be KOS.
Leaving a minigame does not count as cheating and you will KOS for this.
Do not Detour or Delay as a Prisoner, Follow wardens orders as fast as possible.
Doing parts of an easteregg that involve red team winning or ending the round will make you a Rebeller. This includes going into secret areas, hitting switches/buttons, or picking up parts.
2b: Rebeller rules/rights
Rebellers can never get a Last Request given by the Warden unless they have been pardoned.
If you have gained rebel status, you can never be pardoned
Rebellers want to grab ammunition and enter the armory, entering the armory or having weaponry makes you a Rebeller.
Rebellers are players who didn't follow the Wardens order(s), you can't gain your Prisoner rights back unless you are pardoned by Warden.
Rebellers can't be freekilled, don't approach the Guards or interrupt the round any further and wait for the next round.
Rebellers who kill the Warden will make the round into a freeday, this means that all Prisoners will get their status changed into Freedays.
2c: Freeday rules/rights
Freedays who earned their Freeday by earning the LR have sparkles around them, this will show the Guards who are Freedays and can wander off safely.
Freedays don't have to enter any mini games or orders which Prisoners have to follow given by the Warden.
Don't enter minigames if the Warden tells you not to and Freedays can't get a Last Request again.
Getting ammo and killing/hitting someone will end your freeday status and will be changed into a Rebeller see the Rebeller rules and rights for more information.
Freedays who Rebel will get a so called "Evilbeam"
This is a trail which follow you around till end of round.
Freedays are not allowed to activate any kind of minigame on the map.
The Disco room and Pool is an exception.
Freedays will be KOS if they break an engineer's building (Note: Damaging a building does not make them kos)
Freedays are prohibited from participating in, or activating any round ending secrets.
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