Completed [FF2] Remove Bosses (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
I'd like to have some bosses removed from FF2. Main reasons stated below. I think it would also be good to make some space for the 7 or 8 new bosses that will eventually be added, since I think having too many bosses is not the best idea as players would have to download too much content, and I guess balancing all of that would also be quite problematic.

I also personally see no reason to keep those bosses other than for nostalgia.

Poll will last for 10 days.

Cuddly Heavy

Okay so right now this boss is basically a reskin of Christian Brutal Sniper but worse in some ways. For example the bow barely deals any damage to players and buildings (60 minimum, 120 max charge). Currently CBS is also played a lot more than Cuddly.


I think the main problem with this boss is that she's VERY rarely played, and when she actually is she pretty much never wins. If I remember correctly she only gets a gun on rage and stuns sentries (and becomes partially invisible), so she's pretty underpowered.

MLG Sniper

This boss's sounds are ridiculously loud and players just find him obnoxious because of that. I believe there was an attempt in the past to make the sounds quieter but it didn't help that much. Gameplay-wise he's also not that good.

I also think it would be good to make some space for MLG Spy that will be added at some point in the future, I think having two earrape-y bosses is not a good idea. Although MLG Spy is definitely a lot less loud than MLG Sniper.
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I agree about Cuddly Heavy and Femspy,very rarely played and pretty much reskins.As for MLG Sniper he's very annoyingly loud,i get that it's MLG but still.I prefer Mlg Spy he's way more interesting to play as and is less earrapey as you said.

Cuddly Heavy, FemSpy and MLG Sniper will be removed.

Added to task #260 - FF2 - Add / Remove bosses
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