Completed (Dodgeball) New tag (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
To keep the post short and sweet, there is some instances where an admin would like to be able to target the current rocket owner in dodgeball.

The most obvious case, being when someone is orbiting for too long, stripped to melee, or using the phlog. (It's 2019 and the phlog is still an issue...)

Here is what the admin can do currently:

Open the /admin menu, navigate to slap or freeze. (takes time)
Use /slap @aim bound to a key. (easy to repeatedly miss)
Use /slap @all (occasionally the timing results in someone else dying because of the slap)
Scream at them over mic until they hit the rocket. (jk)

So my suggestion being, just like the @stealer tag, add a new tag for "@target."
This tag will only target the current owner of the rocket.

This thread could technically be applied to the following:

Also a task on the staff page:

#64 (DB) Rocket target change
"Essentially we need a way to make the rocket disappear if it's target is killed. Or replay the beep to inform the next player what is coming. The AFK manager, RTD, team killing, death barrier on map, and very rarely fall damage are all party to this issue. . ."

I'm sure a "@target tag" would come in handy for both of these tasks.

Thoughts and opinions welcome.
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