Classlimits (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Oct 4, 2012

since there where this wish for classlimits i gonna look into that now.
first of all i need to know or either get some suggestions what i should exactly limit and to how much.

I personally am against it, 'cause afkers/traders and conga dancers will eventually clog up the limit(s).
Not to mention the usual class jam when there can be only two snipers and both slots are already taken by someone who doesn't even have a faintest idea of how this class is played effectively, therefore hampering the efforts of the whole team.
I don't think it's a good idea to be honest. A limit could be pretty frustrating for players if some afk'ers are clogging a class of their choice, thus having to play a less preferable class. And with that it could result in 1 team being completely overrun by the other team that can't defend itself because of clogged classes
The counterargument to that is that without class limits you can end up with 4 Snipers and 4 Spies in your team. Then again if the mental competence of people is so low that they go Spy when there are already 3 of them and think it's useful they probably would not make much of a difference on any other class anyways..
The counterargument to that is that without class limits you can end up with 4 Snipers and 4 Spies in your team. Then again if the mental competence of people is so low that they go Spy when there are already 3 of them and think it's useful they probably would not make much of a difference on any other class anyways..
You underestimate how broken classes like demo and medic are.
In the wrong hands, probably not that much. Though of course even a horrible Medic is probably still better than when that same person would play Spy, couldn't agree more.

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