Declined Admin Application for Server US Jailbreak (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2022

Steam32 ID:

Your age:
19, DOB being 05/20/2002

Current playtime on relevant server:
6d 19:37:29h

Link to your Sourcebans record

(If relevant) Who gave you permission to apply?
I did not ask anyone directly for explicit permission to apply and apologize for that. I chose to apply since I saw admin applications were currently wanted, as seen in this thread here: .

Server to are applying for:
US Jailbreak

General online times & time zone:
Mon & Tues~ 4p.m to 2a.m US Central Time
Thursday-Saturday~ 2p.m to 2a.m US Central Time
Wednesday is rather shaky, but I typically am online at some point or another. Just probably for not as long of a period

Do you have a working microphone? (This is required for Jailbreak admins)
Yes I do, I also have an additional back-up one incase issues occur with my standard.

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator (Mostly in games, other experience is valid if sufficiently relevant)
This is probably where the most contention for this application will arise; I have no prior Admin nor Moderator experience.

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?
Tackling a core issue head-on, I have no prior admin experience. I'm not going to claim that this is irrelevant, because it very much is. I can entirely understand choosing another individual over myself due to an experience differential. With the time afforded by a trial mod period, however, I could display my level of competence. As seen prior, I have nearly a week's worth of time in the server. I'm not claiming that to be exuberant, but I've seen plenty of the rules of the server in motion. Rules are rules, but some leniency also needs to be practiced. The largest examples of moderators I've watched do their work would be that of Zee and Human, and I feel like I'd reflect a very similar mentality and attitude. I also feel that my time zone is a large contention to extend. I have been on the server several times during the "no admins no rules" time of day, and it's one of the biggest motivators in me making this application. Freekillers, Mic Spammers, and Hackers can completely ruin the server for players simply because no mods are awake at that time. This is a niche I whole-heartedly think I can assist with filling (not entirely of course, I'm only one person).
I'm open to any potential dialogues or criticisms, feel free to message via the forums or Steam.

-Blu Team Specific

First Offense: Ask them to slay themselves, slay them if they don't. Verbal warning, move on.
Second Offense: Immediate Slay and 15 Minute Blue Ban
Third Offense and Onwards: 60 Minute Blue Ban
Intentional Freekill
First Offense: Slay and Verbal Warning
Second Offense: 60 Minute Blue Ban
Third Offense and Onwards: 120 Minute Blue Ban.
Targetted Freekill (I.e Blue Soldier kills specific Red Scout for a previous round of spite or anger)
First Offense: 60 Minute Blue Ban
Second Offense and Onwards: 168 Hour Blue Ban
First Offense: 120 Hour Blue Ban
Second Offense: Perma Blu Ban and a 72 Hour Server Ban
Accidental Freekill
Armo(u)ry Camping
First Offense: Verbal warning to leave.
Second Offense Onwards: 60X Minute Blue Ban (X being how many times this has happened with this person)
First Offense: Slay and 60 Minute Blue Ban
Second Offense: Slay and 300 Minute Blue Ban
Third Offense: Motion for a Perma Blue Ban
-Both Teams
Mic Spam-
First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense: Verbal Warning with maybe a 30 second mute
Third Offense: 120 Minute Mute
Fourth Offense: Perma Mute
Inappropriate Chat (Racism, No-No Words)
First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense: Temp Gag. Depending on what was said, this could be from 15 Minutes to 60 Minutes
Third Offense: 48 Hour Gag
Fourth Offense: Perma Gag
Minor Exploiting (Illegal HNS spot, Blue in a Blue-only area on a freeday)
Slay and a Verbal warning.
(If the issue repeats, it'll be treated a Serious Exploit)
Serious Exploit (Ammo Glitching)
First Offense: 24 Hour Server Ban
Second Offense and Onwards: 720 Hour Ban
Immediate Ban upon Conformation

I know this one was a good ten minute read at the least, so I appreciate the time you took in this endeavor. Once more, I am open to any potential dialogues or criticisms, so feel free to message me via the forums or Steam.
Hey Stankenstine. I haven't seen you in game so I'll have to go on my own belief.

Feedback [CURRENT VOTE : -1 ] :

First off you accidentally put your HLSTAT's link as the Sourcebans link but its k. So far you have a clean record which is nice.

Secondly, your punishment is VERY WACK. Its really messy and honestly really hard to read. Plus when looking at it , it just looks bad since the punishment doesn't line up with any other. I recommend you take a look at the past accepted jb applicants to get a better idea how they line their punishment lengths. The one thing they have in common is Stacking which yours is lacking. I only see some slaps and that's really it. Also just telling someone to slay when you are admin is wrong ya know. You could just slay them? Try to understand it and try to make your own list of punishments.

Your chatlogs are honestly in my opinion just bad. Not the kinda of bad in terrible chatlogs but bad in a sort of way. First off, I see some insulting.



These are some examples I grabbed. As an admin will you act like this? I also heard from other jailbreak regulars who reported to the admin team the following.
- Constant Overtalking Wardens Orders.
- Freekilling
- Toxicity in VC.
Although they haven't provide me evidence you did this, it makes me consider if this was true. Neitherless I'm not using this against you unless its true.

Also work on your warnings. I see little to no context of where in your warnings that its against server rules. I'll provide a good example why from Bambi.

This is a really simple fix. Just mention somewhere in your warnings that it is against servers rules. This way, you are pretty much telling the dude that it is against server rules. Please also DO NOT make it sound very robotic.

Other than that, Nice reason why we should accept you into the admin team and clean app but that's really it I can find for the positives.

I'll try to be more active on the servers. For now, I want to see some improvement before making decisions. There is definitely room for improvement. I will -1 you to encourage you to fix your mistakes.
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Hello Mr Dr Stankenstine, Im a simple guy, I like to keep my feedback short and sweet on the applicant unless I don’t have any strong suits to bare on.

Luckily for you , I do. Your application is simply put, Lacking. I can tell with a cursory glance that you haven’t looked at previous applications to give yourself an idea of how things are formatted and applied to simply make it easier for you and the admins looking at your app.

Couple that with your not so savory reputation with the regulars, Most of what I was about to say was said by TRG which I agree to completely, I personally don’t want an admin on the team that can’t be assed to look at available resources to at the very least make his application cohesive and his punishments less complicated.

Overall its gonna be a -1 from me, But I’m sure if you take the feedback your given and come back if you want you can be sure you’ll have better luck in applying for admin.

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Hello Dr. Stankenstein,
I don't really know who you are, the name rings a bell because it is an interesting name, but that's it. I don't see you on the servers when I am on, and all the while I match the times you specified. While what I said is the case, your sessions are ok, but I don't have enough information to give an accurate verdict. I don't want to -1 you over this lack of information on my end either. The impressions from admins who have responded prior to me seems to be leaning negative also. I will not hold that against you since this is a study conducted by me to evaluate you. I will keep others responses, and information in mind but will not use responses alone without evidence to create my decision, unless absolutely necessary. Side note before I am done. Punishments will have to be evaluated, and tweaked if you were to get accepted in the future. Here are the ones I use taken almost directly from madact:

General Ban / Comms Punishment Stacking

First - 12 hours (720 minutes)
Second - 1 Day (1440 minutes)
Third - 3 Days (4320 minutes)
Fourth - 1 Week (10080 minutes)
Fifth - 1 Month (43200 minutes)
Sixth - Permanent (0 minutes)

Teamban Punishment Stacking

This is pretty much no longer a thing with the bot now dead.
Usual range is 30-120 mins, then only using teamban perm for mfkers or well known rule breakers of blue team.

MFK Server Wide Punishments

Follow stacking for general bans.

Don't feel you have to follow these directly, you can follow your own so long as you stack properly. This is just a guideline.
Accidently freekilling - At least 1-2 warnings before issuing

In cases where you can stack for teambans use the following
First - 2 hours (120 minutes)
Second - 4 hours (240 minutes
Third - 8 hours (480 minutes)
Fourth - Perm (0 minutes)

MFK intentional - Perm (0 minutes)
MFK accidental - 6 hours (360 minutes) and perm if they slip up again
I am going to stay Neutral due to lack of information.

Verdict: Neutral, with the possibility to lean in either direction.

Good Luck,

Please read this | Due to lack of information I would like to meet you in a discord call at some point and we can have a nice discussion. Add me on discord at Sleepzombie #0001
I haven't seen enough from you to form a proper opinion so I will remain neutral at the moment. Although please use the info the admins above me have given, it's pretty useful.
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Hello, pretty much agree with what Semicolon Backslash said here. Although I've seen you in-game, I'm not entirely sure if I've seen you enough to make a proper verdict on this application.

I will remain neutral here.
So reading the feedback it's clear the jailbreak team need more time to check you out. I'm leaving this open for one more week in case they would like to add anything else.

With @Bambi inactive for more than a month and @Cridove accepted after this application was posted their feedback is not required, but is welcomed if they wish to do so within this another week.
I guess the jailbreak team had nothing left to add. Might be due to inactivity from the applicant.

I'm putting this under review as all feedback is not -1. Votes may end up changing during under review.

Any questions or inactivity during under review please let me know. Good luck ::):
declined, you may apply again in a month; 10.08.2022.
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