Name of your Banned Steam Account: (Former Sheldon cooper) KR1S / Despicable_Me33
Steam ID 32:STEAM_0:1:725283972
Date and Time of the Ban: 27/04/5 am
Reason about the Ban: MFK
Admin that Banned you: Negral
Why should you receive a unban for the teamban: I have taken time to read the rules and...
Name of your Banned Steam Account: (Former Sheldon cooper) KR1S / Despicable_Me33
Steam ID 32:STEAM_0:1:725283972
Date and Time of the Ban: forgot
Reason about the Ban: MFK
Admin that Banned you: Negral
Why should you receive a unban for the teamban: I have took my time in reading the rules and...
Name of your Banned Steam Account: Sheldon_Cooper / Despicable_Me33
Steam ID 32:STEAM_0:1:725283972
Date and Time of the Ban: 27.04 / 5 am
Reason about the Ban: doing cellwars
Admin that Banned you: forgot user
Why should you receive a unban for the teamban: I originally was banned for doing...
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