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  • Agreeing with the words of BON_. It was a true pleassure having you around. I wish you nothing but the best in the Airforce and I hope I'm still around to see you return to JB.
    You were genuinely one of the most fun players to play with Rage, I wish we had more time. All the best in the air force and I hope I'm still around and get to play with you again by the time you return!
    Heyo anyone reading this. It is with a heavy heart im saying this but today was my last day home and so my last day on the servers for a while. I am heading off to the air force so that I can make myself useful. I hope that I will see some of you guys in the future, I dont know when I will be coming back, and so for now.
    This is Rage signing off for now.:nekoheart:
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